Keyboard response very slow:Vista


Aug 2, 2011
Hello, i'm running Windows Vista. Recently after having a virus the keyboard started responding very slowly. I have to press and hold a key for about 2 seconds. I have tried to use 2 other keyboards and it's still the same. I tried to uninstall the driver for the keyboard and reinstall it several times. It always indicated "the device is working properly". There are no flagged items in the Device Manager. What is the problem and how do I fix this?
Is this a hardware or software problem?
the system is an Hp desktop, amd dual core 4800 2.5 ghz, 2G ram, 32 bit vista home premium, sevice pack 2, according to windows it is updated, 500 G hard drive with 350G free. I ran Hp's system tests for hard drive, memory etc in safe mode when i had the virus. afterwards the computer seemed fine for about a week or so. At that time the keyboard didn't work properly. Each key has to be held down for 2 seconds and it does not repeat.
I experienced a similar problem on an old AMD64 socket 754 system. Keyboard/mouse would freeze. It took me quite a lot of troubleshooting time to find the problem including reinstalling Windows, different RAM, driver updates, PSU swap, hard drive swap and every hardware switch imaginable including CPU. The system ran 24/7 365 and served as a Security camera server. The keyboard and mouse would lock up and the system would eventually freeze. Turned out to be an old case light that was shorting out. Removed the cae light and have it running without issue 24/7. So, you might open the case and look for a faulty light, fan, or wire. Sounds like you have done a lot of troubleshooting. Perhaps a short is causing the system to freeze temporarily. Also, if you have a spare new SATA or IDE cable, try installing it to the hard drive. I've had a bad SATA cable cause all kinds of freezing problems in the past. Took forever to find that bad cable.
Problem fixed.!! :) Here's what worked for me. Control Panel ---> Ease of Access Center ---> Set up Filter keys and Click the Turn on Filter keys Check box. Now the Filter keys should be turned off. I guess the virus did something to turn on the Filter Keys which prevented normal typing.
hi basman 1
my heartfelt thanks . You just saved me hours of frustration trying to sove the slow keyboard problem...I did exactly as you instructed and within two minutes solved the slow keyboard. I would have probably gone out and bought a new keyboard and still not solved the once again many many thanks..Mikeu

thanks a lot friend.
thanks for sharing this knowledge to fix a much common keyboard related problem. this is going to help millions.
god bless u!