Killer NICs Comes to Laptops for Latency Freaks

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how is thie company still in buisness >_<

ok its wireless n ... its fast but its not going to be any faster than most other wireless n card out thats of course basing it on comparing this to howthier network cards for pcs perform beacuse if bigfoot cards don't perform much if any better than the standard rj45 inbedded on your mobo ... and yet they still sell to people who "demand the best" (aka people with more money than sense)

i can see getting one of thier card for my pc in only one scenario given 2 criteria... 1 my onboard port dies for some reason, and its cheaper than a wireless card

but yea count me on the not wasting a dime on a useless "upgrade" sure to cost a good bit more on an already expensive laptop when the performance gains will almost certainly not be there
Marketing scam.
Onboard Nics are as fast if not faster then anything this company offers.
There are plenty of suckers out there though, they will probably still sell.
Given that Bigfoot is still in business, I guess PT Barnum was right: there really IS a sucker born every minute, and apparently they're buying NICs with snake oil!
If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of idiots being fleeced after being told that they *need* this. The money you would spend would be so much better used to get a SSD, go to a nice dinner, detail the car... and on and on.
I can upload and download files on my desktop over wired, while streaming Netflix over wireless through a wall with absolutely no problem at all.
These things won't help my ping at all either. My ping is because of my ISP, not my network equipment.
Invest ~$150 into a NIC, or invest $150 into a highend router? I settled for the router with no second though.

On a low budget build, these make absolutely no sense at all. On a high budget build, between multiple GPU's, sound card etc., do you have the room to put a killer NIC in without killing airflow to something important?
Does it include the features of the 2100? If so, it might be worth the investment for desktop replacement machines, but if it isn't running a dedicated network processor on the side to download stuff like the 2100 does, it's not worth it.
If you care about a 10-20ms latency improvement you buy, otherwise you don't. It is just another higher end product like SSDs, the latest video card, or the latest CPU. If you can afford the other high end components the chump change on a performance NIC is nothing.
Latency bottleneck is not and has never been in the NIC.

But I do like the fact that this company is still in business - means there are enough suckers with too much money around.
[citation][nom]xyriin[/nom]If you care about a 10-20ms latency improvement you buy, otherwise you don't. It is just another higher end product like SSDs, the latest video card, or the latest CPU. If you can afford the other high end components the chump change on a performance NIC is nothing.[/citation]
Or if you actually understand networking you would know this is a complete marketing scam. If you honestly care about latency you aren't going to be using wireless, and even on a wired connection your ISP is going to be the biggest influence in your latency, not the NIC card.

Some people just think throwing around money makes their PC faster, it doesn't.
Hey guys, everybody knows that a Killer NIC won't improve performance, the bottleneck is obviously in the cables running into it, this would only improve performance if you already have a setup with $200 Monster ethernet cables 😛
Bigfoot? The last I heard they made terribad hard drives, surprised they are still in business. I guess that was a long time ago when hard drives weren't what they are today
[citation][nom]squanto[/nom]Bigfoot? The last I heard they made terribad hard drives, surprised they are still in business. I guess that was a long time ago when hard drives weren't what they are today[/citation]

LOL wtf? Bigfoot didn't make hard drives. "Bigfoot" was a series of drives made by Quantum.
[citation][nom]ballisticbuddha[/nom]Hey guys, everybody knows that a Killer NIC won't improve performance, the bottleneck is obviously in the cables running into it, this would only improve performance if you already have a setup with $200 Monster ethernet cables[/citation]
Haha. I was just thinking the same. You can only unleash the true power of a Killer Nic, with a set of Monster Ethernet Cables. This super enhanced mesh will pulverize any electromagnetic field that might influence this digital transmission. And those gold connectors are gonna insure a perfect contact and no rust for a lifetime. Comes with a 1 year garantee that we won't honor if we can.
[citation][nom]mavroxur[/nom]LOL wtf? Bigfoot didn't make hard drives. "Bigfoot" was a series of drives made by Quantum.[/citation]

Wow I should know that, you are too right. The Quantum Bigfoot drive. Good call
Unless the rest of your network can take advantage of this wireless NIC (the claims are dubious, at best), then it is pretty much a moot point. Seems that every time Killer comes out with a new widget, we have this same discussion. It is déjà vu all over again....
What about if Tom's do us a favor and do a test review between this and other known high performance wireless networks and see the truth...(I think there's already a review of a Killer NIC)
Don't really see a point to this...unless this thing magically removes obstacles or causes of EM interference there is no way it can do anything to make your wireless signal better/faster/more stable...utter nonsense...
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