Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 freq?


Dec 2, 2002
Question: On the info page for the ProMedia 5.1 speakers (http://www.klipsch.com/product/product.aspx?cid=372), for the amplifier specs it says for the satellites "60 watts/channel @ ¡Ü 1% THD, 100Hz - 1KHz ", and for the subwoofer (amp specs still) it says "FTC Rated Subwoover: 170 watts @ ¡Ü 3% THD, 40 - 100Hz Maximum Burst Power*".... OK, so does this mean that the satellites can only go up to 1Khz and the subwoofer can only go down to 40Hz?? Because if that's true, then for being a THX-certified system it must suck? Please answer, thanks...


333 MHz Celeron (Slot1)
192 MB RAM
4 MB ATi Rage LT Integrated Video
ESS 1869 Integrated Audio
Comcrap (Compaq) mobo


Jul 10, 2003
No, those ranges define how they measured the THD, which is Total Harmonic Distortion. The actual range of the system is given as 25Hz-20kHz. However consumer-grade audio gear always (not even almost always) lists inflated specs. It may be able to go down to 25Hz, but what it doesn't tell you is the decibel falloff at that low of a level, compared to the rest of the audio. For instance, if you're playing music at a steady 80 decibels, the sounds in the 25Hz range may only be coming out at, say 30 decibels, making them inaudible.

I can only surmise that THX has a hugely different set of specs for computer speakers than it does for home theatre gear. If you compare apples to apples, these may be decent computer speakers, but they won't even begin to compare to a decent home theatre setup.

I would do some more investigation before deciding on any set of speakers. The best thing to do would be to give them a listen yourself, and compare them to other speakers you like. However if this is not possible, do NOT put all your confidence in the performance specs given by the manufacturer. Look for subjective reviews of the speakers, as many as you can find, and make your decision based on those. In the case of audio gear, numbers lie. But any reviewer worth his salt will give you his honest opinion of the sound quality.

<font color=white><b>_________________________________________________</font color=white></b>
Armadillo<font color=orange>[</font color=orange><font color=green>TcC</font color=green><font color=orange>]</font color=orange> at Lanwar and MML


Feb 15, 2002
I disagree. I own a set of Klipsch ProMedia 4.1's, which are basically the same as the 5.1's without the center channel. These speakers compare well with home theater speakers. My bro is jealous because my Klipsch's sound better than his Bose home theater system. :cool:

<font color=blue>Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
-Einstein</font color=blue>


Jul 10, 2003
Most Bose are crap so that isnt a good comparison.
LOL you beat me to it.. anyway, he's right. If Bose is your idea of a decent home theatre system, then you probably haven't heard a proper home theatre system. I'm not sure how Bose has been able to market itself to laymen as the end-all be-all in speakers, but it certainly is not. The larger Bose speakers aren't as bad as their trademark cube satellite/sub systems, but you can find much better for the same amount of cash. Go and listen to a decent setup of Thiel's or even Polk's affordable RT series or Klipsch's Synergy series for that matter. They will blow most any Bose system away. And if you really want to ruin your perception, give a listen to some <A HREF="http://www.martinlogan.com/speaker_gallery.html" target="_new">Martin Logan electrostats</A>. Ooooohhh maahhh gawwwd.... Everything sounds like a tin cup attached to a string after you have heard these.

Of course, you can find about as many differing opinions on speakers as you can find speakers. Bottom line, if you're happy with your setup, that's all that matters.

<font color=white><b>_________________________________________________</font color=white></b>
Armadillo<font color=orange>[</font color=orange><font color=green>TcC</font color=green><font color=orange>]</font color=orange> at Lanwar and MML


Nov 17, 2002
NHTs and Paradigm are good reasonably priced speakers. Their are also alot of old good speakers for sale on ebay.
Martin and Logan are great, a little over kill for a computer.hehe

Although, I'm running some old JBLs, 4311s and 4312s. Also very over kill but I have had then for many years so why not use them. My others speakers are for the music.

the Prisoner

I'm not a number, I'm a free man! :mad:


Jul 10, 2003
Agreed about NHT and Paradigm.. I was just trying to throw out some more recognizable brands. However if I were to build a budget home theatre/stereo system right now, I would definitely go with Paradigms. Good call.

And I would never even dream of hooking a set of Martin Logan's to a PC!!! I'd be too paranoid that a preamp clip might cause the panels to arc! Man, thats gonna give me nightmares... lol

<font color=white><b>_________________________________________________</font color=white></b>
Armadillo<font color=orange>[</font color=orange><font color=green>TcC</font color=green><font color=orange>]</font color=orange> at Lanwar and MML


Nov 17, 2002
Have you ever checked out Hsu subwoofers? They are great, I bought one about 3 years ago. Not quite as good as my friends custom made one with a 18' JBL woofer, 1500 watt mono amp and an enclosure the size of a small refrigerator!
Talk about shaking the house apart.

the Prisoner

I'm not a number, I'm a free man! :mad:


Jul 10, 2003
I've heard about Hsu, they've gotten some very good writeups in Stereophile's Guide to Home Theatre, although I've never had the chance to listen to one myself. I really don't have much personal experience with subs, as I've never bought one, but I haven't really felt a need to with the bass I get from my mains. Sure I'm missing out on the .1 channel of 5.1, but I'm not too concerned, since my DVD player can just mix the bass channel in with the mains. I'm more into stereo listening than home theatre anyway. If I was going to buy a sub though, I think I'd want one of those servo-controlled subwoofers that can get decent reponse below 20Hz, in an effort to reproduce some of the low notes on a pipe organ. Futile pursuit, of course, but the closer I can get, the better.

Speaking of pipe organs, the lowest tones I have ever "heard" were from a pipe organ during a performance of Respighi's Pines of Rome. They were so low that you couldn't actually hear them at all, yet you could feel them pulsing through your body. Don't think I'll ever be happy with a sub using that as a yardstick, but I have heard of some homemade servo-powered jobs that could supposedly come pretty close using woofers nearly the size of your average door. I mean, damn!!

<font color=white><b>_________________________________________________</font color=white></b>
Armadillo<font color=orange>[</font color=orange><font color=green>TcC</font color=green><font color=orange>]</font color=orange> at Lanwar and MML


Nov 17, 2002
I use my Hsu for music. You should hear the cannon shot in William Tell Overture. The other system is for the computer which has a custom built sub my friend made for me. It goes down to about 30Hz without distortion, not as good as the Hsu, but fine for movies and gaming. The problem with electrostatics is that the bass isnt very deep. I listen to a varity of music so I need bass sometimes. For those pipes organs! hehe

Humans cant hear below 20Hz but you are right you can feel it!

the Prisoner

I'm not a number, I'm a free man! :mad:


Feb 15, 2002
You're right of course, my bro has the cubes/sub setup and it does kinda sound like crap. I still think Klipsch Promedias kick ass. Heh, I must be a Klipsch fanboy. :cool:

Ev3ry0n3 el$e suX0r .i.. ^_^ ..i.

K L I P S C H rulez :cool:


<font color=blue>Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
-Einstein</font color=blue>


Jul 10, 2003
ROFL at Confoundicator...

<font color=white><b>_________________________________________________</font color=white></b>
Armadillo<font color=orange>[</font color=orange><font color=green>TcC</font color=green><font color=orange>]</font color=orange> at Lanwar and MML