Question Lack of Fan headers on motherboard.. Help

Jan 6, 2019
So my motherboard x470 gaming plus has 4x 4pin fan headers ..
but my case has 5 PWM fans ...
this is my first pc build and i do not know what is the best way to connect them (all 5) to motherboard and maintain their PWM function ..
A "Y" cable can work if you have two fans that you would normally want at the same speed. For example two intake fans on the front of the case. Use a "Y" fan splitter to power both but the RPM from one of them is reported.
Thanks for your reply , my 5 fans have static white led ring , will it work normally with the Y cable ?
Re your question about the fans with "static LED white ring", the answer is VERY likely this of OK. The limit you need to meet is this: almost ALL mobo fan headers can supply up to 1.0 A max to all the fans connected to that one header. If you use a simple Y- SPLITTER it will connect two fans together to one header. Most fans today use under 0.2 A max, BUT the ones with single-colour LED's in them use more because the LED's and the motor are both drawing power through the same cable to the mobo header. In virtually all the LED fans I have seen, even those draw LESS than 0.5 A each, so two on a splitter / header is still OK.

Just to clarify terms, I use the name SPLITTER for a simple device that has one input "arm" that plugs into a mobo fan header, and two (sometimes three) output "arms" that accept cables from fans. This unit has NO other types of connection "arms" and draws all power for the fans from the host header. A HUB, on the other hand, has a third "arm" that plugs into a SATA power output from the PSU to get all the fan power, and it draws no current from the mobo header. You do not need a Hub for your situation.
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