Ladies and children first?

"...South Africa in 1852...Lt.-Col. Alexander Seton, ordered his men to help get the women and children on board the three lifeboats as the Birkenhead began sinking in shark-infested waters. Not a single woman or child lost their life..."

"...women had a lower chance of survival in 11 out of 18 shipwrecks. Women fared worse also in recent times...2011. They had a survival rate of 26.9 percent, opposed to 60.3 percent of men."

Do you think the progress of gender equality in the society is to blame?
Whats being said here is, chivalry is dying.
Its now not just every man for himself, but ever man and woman for themselves.

As women gets exposed to the stress of the workplace, smoke and drink more, do drugs, go to war, they are doing the same thing man has done forever.
Its equality, and just look at the rate heart disease jumped as a woman's No.1 killer.

I said this to my ex, right after shed made a snide comment about how women lived longer than men, I retorted that this will change, for the reasons above, and then I became a sexist heheh
Its a sad fact, but I still will jump up to open a door for a lady, help carry something for her etc, as it should be IMNSHO
Yes with Western Culture being so self-centered men today are more likely to take care of themselves in a life threatening situation ... with the exception of their own families I guess.

Taking care of number one ...

I still get out of my seat for old people on the train / bus though ...

I wouldn't give a woman my seat though ... maybe the wife ... maybe.

... definately ... I wouldn't get to eat otherwise.


No, I will save myself instead of my parents in a life or death situation. I know this is what they want. When I have my children, I will tell them to do the same. As to wife? I think I will choose to save myself because I don't want her to mourn my death and raise the children along, unless her chance of survival is higher than me, then I will help her to my last breath to give her the best chance of survival.