Lag issues on games

Jun 12, 2015
Hi, months ago i started to have some problems with my computer (i mean, fps problems). So i upgraded my system. So far, i've changed memory (corsair 2x4gb 1600mhz), supply power (a corsair 500cx) and the graphic cards (a r7 260x). But it still occurs, like when im playing GTA V on 1366x768, i get like 40fps, and some random spikes (wich makes it drop to 16).

Things i already tryed:
Reinstall the system;
Another HDD (a notebook one, wich i know it will show problems later, but i used for test purposes);
Another mainboard and another processor (altrough i kept the cooler).
Copying the game to the notebook HDD;
Updating drivers (but motherboard just has lan/audio only).

System specs:

Windows 8.1 PRO (x64);
R7 260x 1GB;
Phenom X6 1055T;
2x4Gb corsair 1600mhz;
Supply power corsair 500cx;
An notebook HDD (160gb);
An samsung HDD (500gb, the one wich i store my games into);
An asus M5A88-V/EVO

Hmm weird. You've done everything I would've suggested. Try lowering your graphics settings.

Damn. Sorry I couldn't help you man.