So my old laptop battery died so I decided to remove the battery and only use the charger as the power source at home.
I rarely use this laptop and I wanted to set it up to help me render some animations. After doing some tests I noticed I rendered quite slow, after checking the CPU usage I noticed the CPU speed is at a constant 0.79 GHz no matter how much load it has. When I render or when I try to stress test the CPU with IntelBurnTest the CPU usage never goes over 36%.
I have SpeedStep turned off in the BIOS. Im also in High Performance Power Plan and both minimum and maximum processor rate are set to 100%
Anyone has any idea of why this would be happening? When I used this laptop maybe like 10 months ago it was working fine, I think it could be the battery that I removed but I dont understand why.
It should be working the same with just the power charger.
When I try to use it with the battery and the charger I get Blue Screen Of Death very often.
I rarely use this laptop and I wanted to set it up to help me render some animations. After doing some tests I noticed I rendered quite slow, after checking the CPU usage I noticed the CPU speed is at a constant 0.79 GHz no matter how much load it has. When I render or when I try to stress test the CPU with IntelBurnTest the CPU usage never goes over 36%.
I have SpeedStep turned off in the BIOS. Im also in High Performance Power Plan and both minimum and maximum processor rate are set to 100%
Anyone has any idea of why this would be happening? When I used this laptop maybe like 10 months ago it was working fine, I think it could be the battery that I removed but I dont understand why.
It should be working the same with just the power charger.
When I try to use it with the battery and the charger I get Blue Screen Of Death very often.