Question Laptop crashes when bumped and then won't turn on for a while

Sep 8, 2023
So I have an Acer nitro laptop that normally works like a charm, but has one annoying problem.

Whenever it is bumped or moved, or even if I hit the enter key with too much enthusiasm, it will crash.
Then if I attempt a restart, the startup light will come on without the laptop actually starting, or occasionally starting and immediately crashing straight after.
After 2-4 restart attempts it will start up normally again.

I'm no expert, but I've ran harddrive checks (no errors), reinstalled Windows, cleaned fans with compressed air, checked against loose wires, and checked the temperature readings directly after a crash. As a whole, the crashes don't appear correlated with heavy use (could occur directly after being turned off for long times). Nor are there any error messages I can find.

Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
My first thought:

Something is loose.

When the laptop is bumped that "something" moves and causes a short. Result being a crash.

The ability to move perhaps having some dependence on "tightness". Warm + expanded = tight. Cool and contracted = loose.

You may be able to get some clue via Reliability History/Monitor or Event Viewer.

Some error code, warning, or even an informational event being captured just before or at the time of the bump induced crash.

Reliability History/Monitor is much more end user friendly. Plus it uses a timeline format that can reveal patterns.

Event Viewer requires more time and effort to navigate and understand.

To help:

Entries in either tool can be clicked for more details. The details may or may not be helpful.

My approach would be to attempt some carefully controlled "bumps" with the objective being to force crashes.

Look for some pattern that can be easily repeated and results in a crash.

= = = =

Note: do indeed back up any and all important data on the laptop to locations not on the laptop.

Verify that the data is both recoverable and readable.