Question Laptop crashing ingame

Aug 11, 2021
Hey there,
Im new here, saw alot of helpful solutions for many things in this forums and maybe you could bring an end to my misery.
I Bought the asus tuf gaming fx505du like a year ago, Im a student so i could'nt afford myself to play as many games if the last year.
When i tried to play The division 2 with friends i had some crashes which i managed to fix by my own somehow (i don't really remeber how)
I bought battlefield 5 and tried to run it, then after few minutes in game my external monitor disconnects and my laptop screen turns black without any sound, but its still working.
Well i tried alot of solutions: Updating my drivers, trying another external monitor\HDMI cable, running the game only in the external monitor and nothing helped.
The only thing that is working is using my laptop screen and playing, no crashes and everything is running great but i want to play on an external screen.

Please, if you have any solutions to offer im open minded
What resolution are you running on each display?

Have you checked the temps?

Many times.....with laptops....that crash in can be the temps.

Temps are fine, i've checked many times and the game is running great without being connected to my LG TV.
Im running 1920*1080 at both displays, the TV is 60Hz and screen is 120Hz.
Tried to disable the laptop screen and only running the game on the TV, didnt work.
Are you running the latest NVidia driver?

Yes, i have updated all the drivers in my PC including chipset and network.
The problem happend long time ago, when i had older drivers also.
I thought about rolling back the driver but i don't know about a stable version of the driver.
It's freaking me out that the crashes only occur when im playing on external monitor....
Perhaps it's some fluke thing with the TV?

Have you tried it with any other external display?

The reason I'm thinking I find the problem itself pretty odd.

I've never come across this and I've connected lots of systems this way.

That's what i thought, that it might be a problem with the HDMI or the TV itself.
I tried to use a different HDMI cable and a different TV and got the same crash.
Im thinking about doing a full system reset and formatting the laptop but i really think it won't help for this kind of problem.
Im really desprate here
This might be a stretch....but perhaps it may be the PSU.

You can download and run HWInfo.

Set it up so it logs data to a file.

Run it.

Run a game that makes it crash.

After, check the main voltages in the data file. (12, 5 and 3.3)
They shouldn't vary by more than 5%.
If they do....there's a PSU issue.