Laptop fell down...I think it is working properly... Just that the screen is showing black and white... Can I fix this?

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Jan 23, 2019
It is sounding normally... The disk slot is working properly... It is charging... I can connect my phone via a USB..
The problem is that the screen is showing black and white... It is not broken though...
It's possible the ribbon cable that connects the screen to the board is damaged or got knocked loose. Unfortunately that pretty much means a complete dismantling on the laptop to find out and that's not always an easy task. If you want to try it yourself look on youtube and see if you can find a video for your model for a tear down or screen replacement, but procedd at your own risk of course.
plug it into a monitor or tv and use a mouse and keyboard to see if the laptop works normally via an external display. If so then it will be just the screen that needs fixing or replacing. If not maybe the hard drive or motherboard is dead.
Question from brendaondari89 : "Laptop fell down...I think it is working properly... Just that the screen is showing black and white... Can I fix this?"

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