I was just wondering. I have this laptop https://www.google.com/shopping/product/15688536325874283747?q=dell+inspiron+7559+specs&lsf=rt:2,seller:8438988&hl=en-us&lsft=gclid:Cj0KCQiAi7XQBRDnARIsANeLIetVlBR9BXHKh-GT5_1-PvOh5OxMJ7UsSDmeJHpthwdnY-RnJxzGLe0aAmA6EALw_wcB&prds=oid:13519283257201888621&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtvdeFs8PXAhUq5IMKHaY3DP0QsIwCCAU and was thinking of buying a 144hz monitor, will i able be to play cs go and dota on 144hz monitor with gtx 960m with good fps and stuff?. if not whats the best monitor i could buy to be able to play my games smoothly.