Laptop had has no molex pins


Apr 23, 2012
I need to replace a sata hard drive on my laptop. The bad hard drive has no molex pins yet every hard drive I look at has them. My question is can I use these hard drives?
Sata drives don't usually have molex power connections unless they are older sata drives. Some of the WD raptor drives used to have molex/sata power connections I believe. I've never personally seen a 2.5" HD that had a molex style connection on it. Generally you can use pretty much any 2.5" sata drive in laptops, can you post a link to one of the drives you are looking at.
As already stated, laptops do NOT use a molex connector for neither the newer SATA 2 1/2 in drives, nor the older PATA Laptop HDDs.

Go here and pick the size/performance you want.

The 7200 drives will be faster than the more common 5400 rpm drives. I pointed to the SATA II models as there is no diff in performance between a sata II and SAT III drive. However the SATA III drives are becomming more available and work fine on a sata II port. Above all else, Look at reader comments and DO NOT pick one that has a HIGH 1/2 egg review.