Laptop Hard Drive clicking sound


Jul 6, 2010

Recently I bought a new laptop. In order to work faster, I removed the Hard Drive and put an SSD there. Then, I bought a second HDD caddy and put that hard drive into it and plug in to the DVD ROM port by replacing the DVD RW.
It was working fine. Because I did this to my previous laptop too.

But, I got a problem with this new laptop. After about 1 day, It started to generate a clicking sound from the hard disk. It was about one clicking sound per 3 minutes. Actually I didn't know why is that so I use it about 1 day. Since the clicking sound continued, I decided to check it. After I removed the caddy, I realized that when I put the Hard Drive into the caddy and slide it inside, the breathing hole of the hard drive get covered. Then I though because of that I got the problem of clicking sound. now, even If I connect the hard drive to the original position, or via USB, it gives that clicking sound even when the breathing hole is not covered.

Is there some way to fix it without damaging to the hard drive?

Thanks for you help.
Hey there, dumisoft!

Unfortunately, the clicking sounds indicates an internal physical damage on the drive. This means that there's no way to fix it yourself. I'd strongly recommend you to back up any important data from it ASAP. I'm not sure you'd be able to get an RMA from your original laptop manufacturer because you've opened the computer itself and replaced the DVD-RW, but you should definitely consider buying a replacement HDD.

Hope I was helpful. Good luck!
Thanks for your answers.. So, I want to confirm this thing. If we cover the breathing hole of a hard drive while working, Will it cause this clicking sound? And will die? I mean, even PC hard Drive?
Hey there again, dumisoft!

This is not what we meant at all! You cannot fix a clicking sound (the sound of death) by covering a breathing hole in the HDD. 🙁 The clicking drive is going to fail either way, the best thing to do is to backup your data and consider replacing it with a new one. If the drive is still covered by the warranty, you can its manufacturer or the laptop OEM for a replacement advice.

Best of luck!