Laptop heating up even after applying new thermal paste


May 27, 2014
I applied new thermal paste to my laptop because it was overheating. It worked great for about two weeks now it's overheating again. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
check the air ducts and so on for dust build-up. Dust acts as an insulator and impacts heat transfer. Also, applying thermal paste on a laptop and making sure the heatsink (and often thermal pads) are applied correctly is a very complicated process. You probably made some mistakes, especially if your cooling solution involves thermal pads.
It is most likely dust build up. The reason why your laptop seemed fine is that the paste probably was able to take the heat away for that long. The paste maybe dried up by now which would explain the laptop having the high temp.

Most likely the fan is dying, I noticed this with my laptop too, after a while the fan starts wobbling while it spins the best solution is to get another heat sink



Well of course you can hear it running, the fan works the question is is it working properly, laptop fans are very sensitive
the plastic bearings in laptop fans don't last forever and if your fan is emitting a loud whine (which it didn't when you first got the laptop) it's probably time to replace it