also note: there are some ASUS tools that come with the machines that can cause memory corruptions. (often depends on the BIOS version and age of the machine)
overall, I would focus on the other bugchecks.
they indicate memory corruption on your system.
This can be a bad BIOS setting (update BIOS or reset it to defaults with no overclocking) It can also be failed RAM (boot and run memtest on its own image)
if memtest works as expected then you would start looking for drivers that corrupt other drivers memory. (best to update your motherboard drivers before you start looking for problems).
You will also want to veryify your system files: start cmd.exe as an admin then run
sfc.exe /scannow
if there are any corruptions that can not be fixed, run
dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
then reboot and run the sfc.exe /scannow command again (malware can unfix things right after they are fixed)
Some malware infects the drivers for the harddrive controller, causes various problems.
windows marks a disk with a dirty bit that tells it to run chkdik on the next boot.
You need to figure out why the dirty bit was set. It will be set if there is any failure in the shutdown process. I would make a registry setting to enable verbose messages during startup and shutdown> here is how:
there are many reasons that the filesystem dirty bit will be set.
BIOS bugs, bugs in the drivers for your SATA controllers, actual bugs in the cache controller on the SATA drive.
Start with a update of your BIOS and drivers from your motherboard vendor, then look at the verbose status messages for a clue. (along with eventlogs)
Note: it can also be a failing drive as the above post indicated.