Laptop Screen Cracked Cant Connect To External Monitor

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Jan 18, 2016
Ok so I plugged a monitor into my HP Laptop cause the screen is really cracked, everything worked fine, then it warned me that something might be wrong with the hard drive and that I should back it up, while I was transferring as much off as I could it crashed, now it's going into recovery mode I think but nothing will display on the monitor I hooked up to it even using an HDMI to my tv won't show what's going on, I can see a small square on the laptop screen around the blackness from the cracks n it goes blue eventually like its about to boot up Windows 7 n I see the word recovery, I want to know if there's some way that I can project the image on the secondary monitor immediately when I turn it on so I can access the bios to boot up Ubuntu from a USB cause that tiny window on the laptop screen isn't enough for me to see what's going on, I've had another HP laptop's HD die the same way but it was worse it would just go to a black screen n no way to save it so I booted from Ubuntu to try n save anything I could but on the other laptop the screen was intact which made it easier, n the HD on this computer isn't making any clicking noises which is a good sign I might b able to salvage wtv I can, please somebody help, thanks for your time.

Step on it? if it was closed and stepped on the damage to the screen may just be the obvious are hitting the FN and the proper Fkey to activate the external screen? damage may be preventing the external from activating I would pull the HDD out and put it in another system. if you have no other equipment....
i tried playing around with the F keys but I never had to in the first place to get the picture on the monitor it usually automatically did it but only when it got to the welcome screen and not sooner, now it won't at all, I'll try playing with the FN and F keys hoping that it snaps out of it, at the moment there's no point removing the HD cause I don't have my adapter for it, my main concern is getting into the bios so I can boot Ubuntu but I can't see what's going on
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