Laptop shuts down when a lot is happening

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Mar 23, 2014
It's an HP HDX 18 and it keeps shutting down whenever some intense things start to happen. For example I'm playing World of Warcraft running around just fine, but whenever I go into a dunegon the laptop just shuts down, no warnings at all. When I'm playing Eve online and a lot of ships load on screen, it shuts down. When I'm playing Empire Total War and I fire a massive volley at the French, it shuts down. I can play Minecraft with no problems and some maps on Company of Heroes.

The temps are around 33-40c when it's idle and doesn't go that far over 60c when something is happening so I doubt it's overheating. I've tried turning the graphics all the way down and I still get the same problem.

I've just realised that it started when the power adapter was changed (old one got water in it and died) which I think was 19v but the one now is set to 18v. No idea if that would be the problem, but I hope it is because i can fix it quick =]

Also, It's only been run off the power. I've taken the battery out because it died a long time ago.
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