All of this reminds me of one thing.. Fusion anyone? AMD's vision of streaming computing? Only Intel made this the other way around.
"What’s more, despite the flexibility GPUs have gained, their functionalities remain heavily oriented towards raw calculation. For example, there’s no question of performing I/O operations from a GPU. Conversely, Larrabee is totally capable of that, meaning that Larrabee can directly perform printf or file-handling operations. It’s also possible to use recursive and virtual functions, which is impossible with a GPU."
And, what I/O operation you want to do with GPU? Printing fax? Create virtual RAM on hard drive? Uh.. phleazzzz.. About recursive function, doesn't folding@home use that function. Vijay Pande did say that he need GPU to execute complex branching and recursive functions before folding@home can run on GPU. Because as you said, GPU still cannot utilize that and f@h can run on current GPU, be it ATI or nVidia, then Vijay Pande must've been lied. Oh, and they can hardware encode video, too.. Badaboom and AVIVO are also a liar then. It was not GPU encoded video, it should be Intel CPU encoded video because GPU cannot execute recursive functions.
"A second point is that the choice of CISC has advantages as well as disadvantages. while RISC instructions are of similar size and constructed in the same way to make decoding easier, CISC instructions are of variable size. Also, while decoding is complicated, x86 code is traditionally more compact than the equivalent RISC code. Here again you might tend to think that factor is negligible, but in this case, these are processors with very small caches, where every kilobyte counts."
Really? Can you find a CISC processor these days? LOL. A complete BS. Since AMD pioneered CISC wrapped RISC on their K6, there is not a single CPU RISC or CISC anymore in x86 arena. Even IBM who pioneered RISC architecture uses complex vector instruction (read: CISC) for their Power processors. What kind of stupid thing did you thing Larabee would CISC? That is the most stupid idea I ever had if you think that Larabee will be a CISC processor.