Last touches on my build- couple of questions


Apr 17, 2009
Here is what I have compiled -system will be used for gaming and high overclock-

CPU: X3 720 BE
Mobo: Gigabyte MA790XT-UD4P
HD: Western Digital Caviar Black 640GB 7200RPM 32MB
Cooling: Xigmatek HDT-S1283
Case: Coolermaster CM 690 Mid Tower
VGA: Sapphire 4870 1 GB <- already bought
PSU: PC Power & Cooling 610W Silencer <- already bought
Optical: Samsung SH-S222A/BEBS 22X DVD

Couple of questions left still. I was thinking of getting this ram since my mobo supports DDR3. Is it any good or should I go for a different speed like 1666 or 1066?

And 1 more thing. I want to run a dual monitor set-up. I have 2 monitors that I found and liked.

What do you guys think, they are the same price after I use price match. Maybe I should get one of each... I don't know, give me suggestions :)

1) go for 1600mhz+ if you buy ddr3 ram, otherwise there will be no speed increase from ddr2 ram and thats money wasted.

2)for a monitor wouldn't you want a 16:10 resolution, but out of the 2, since your gaming the second would be better since it has a lower response time, but then the other has a higher contrast, but it's your call.

1) I've read that ram timings that are too high can bother you when overclocking, I'll try and search a bit mor on it.

2) That's why I was thinking to get 1 of each. I'm gonna run them in dual monitor setup so I would try both of them and see which is better for gaming and use that one for gaming and the other one as my 2nd monitor for doing whatever.. while I'm playing.
You have selected a BE cpu and most of the overclocking is done with the multi so you won't be overclocking the ram much.

At this point you should stick with ram off the QVL list to make sure it works at the ddr3 1600 speed if you choose to go that way...
...One thing i don't like about my setup is the monitors are quite different...even if the height is just a little different it really offsets how fast i can surf...+ my resolutions are different as well so that hurts to

I would much prefer two of the same looks alot more professional as well

If it where my choice i wold take two of these and call it a day

Iv got the following and the LGs are the is just as good though and i expect sony to deliver no more than top star performance when i get it fixed

LG 52" is epic....possible the most beautiful tv iv ever seen...any tv you have to literally finger it to turn it on is awsome....yeahp i finger my tv...give it a good wiping in the old power hole and it boots up quite nicely..

LG 47" or close to that.....have had it for 3 Years or more and its a great tv that has held up fantastically

LG 22" TV+Monitor combo...just bought this...great for my PS3 and PC gaming also nice to watch some TV while playing on the below this baby for free from a circuit city "defective items lot"...also got the below in there as a good deal and im not about to brag to badly on you

Payed 10$ for a Lenovo 20" 1280x1024 monitor...great for lan parties due to the sweet handle on the back and its perfect resolution for my low end have payed way more than 10$

Samsung 50+" of the best damn tvs iv ever seen....quality all service? the best...THE BEST!

Sony Bravia 50+"....iv not got to see this unit much other than turning it on and watching it spark and smoke a bit....its got to be repaired...but im sure sony will as always live up to there name and warranty it to....i love my sony gear....

I own a sony psp+ a Sony A350 and both are amazing products....and i don't see sony being anymore relentless in its onslaught of perfection with the bravia...

So my post was way longer than intended or needed to be and features alot of useless crap...did i convince you to go to an LG? or to just ignore me...

Agreed 100%

Albeit i do love my combo in a sense it provides functionality...although if i bought them new i would have two of the same style ie the bezel and height just one with hdmi + tuner combo and another lookalike just without any added hardware...

Really i do enjoy gaming on my 20" just as well as my 22"...usually watch some dubbed anime or movies whilst doing some lite gaming or research on the 20"...or vice versa

I can also game on my ps3 via the 22" while i do research/torrent/etc from the 20"

Anyways its better to go with the same style...although the added functionality is nice as well....i tend to play best when im close to the screen so that is one other reason i enjoy my hdmi ability on the 22" as most of my online gaming atm is via the ps3
Could be a shitty brand :??: and you have to spend around 100$ or more/less on your gpu each time you be honest i would never take one sole monitor as im a huge multitasking freak a broke one at that so only two monitors atm....

If i where you i would stick with 16xx/xxxx get stable framerates you spend alot less on the gpu and the monitor as well...get one 20 or 22" to start out with and get yourself a nice gpu that can run a monitor of that res.....later on get another 16xx/xxxx monitor and dual them....

I prefer the cheaper method...i really could care less in the slight difference between rendering at 19xx/xxxx vs 16xx/xxxx

Il light your 3d ass up with lead at any!