Latency issue on new pc

stress test is a test where you apply load to all parts and discover if they run well or not

any gpu test like unigine heaven or valley, gfxbench or cinebench applies pressure on cpu, gpu, ram or all of them in some form, that is a stress test, to get performance results, that you can use to compare against other peoples machines and decide if your pc is performing well enough compared to the other similar pcs or if you can do changes and get better results

i do that regularly to see if i have made bad changes to bios, any overclock doing weird stuff or see how things keep performing over time

a better question would be, what hardware do you have and what has you worried you about it?

problems running a specific game? do you feel it...

What do you think that 1145 number means? Because I have no idea, its not micro seconds like you would normally measure latency, Its pi/second, so 1145 could be very good I honestly have no idea. I have also never seen that tool before, Why not just use to see what your ping is?
Bro I unplugged the net cable,still dpc latency shows the same.Is my hardware responsible..may be faulty.Then I will have to contact that device's manf. Please help me...

I dont know if that is a good score of bad score, bro. I think you are putting way to much thought into what that program says. What makes you think 1145 is even bad? Do you have any idea what that number means? Or do you just see a big number and assume its bad?
i think he thinks the end of the world will come thanks to this result, but we don't know what is good or bad there

1000 might be good or bad, but 1000 on what, cpu, ram?

this tool if doesn't put things in context, well, what is his purpose? none i think
stress test is a test where you apply load to all parts and discover if they run well or not

any gpu test like unigine heaven or valley, gfxbench or cinebench applies pressure on cpu, gpu, ram or all of them in some form, that is a stress test, to get performance results, that you can use to compare against other peoples machines and decide if your pc is performing well enough compared to the other similar pcs or if you can do changes and get better results

i do that regularly to see if i have made bad changes to bios, any overclock doing weird stuff or see how things keep performing over time

a better question would be, what hardware do you have and what has you worried you about it?

problems running a specific game? do you feel it works slow?

share with us the details of the pc, all details you can gather are helpful, even the psu brand is important
DPC = Deferred Procedure Call

DPCs are typically setup by interrupt service routines (ISR) so that they can be executed outside of the context of an interrupt.

DPC Latency is a measure of how long the OS takes to execute a DPC once it has been created in the DPC queue.

For example, a sound card will typically buffer 128, 256, 512, or 1024 audio samples per channel at a time. 1024 samples at 48,000 samples per second is enough for about 50 milliseconds of playback. As this buffer runs down, it needs to be topped by the sound card's software driver. The sound card will interrupt the CPU, and the CPU will execute an ISR in response to that interrupt. In order to keep the ISR as short and sweet as possible, all that the ISR does is create a DPC to refill the sound card's buffer. At that point, the ISR is done and the CPU can go back to its regularly scheduled programming. The OS will execute the DPC at a priority level that is high, but not high enough to clobber more important interrupts. If the sound card's sample buffer depletes before the DPC executes and refills it, then the sound card will have nothing to playback. The result will be choppy audio.

A 1,000 microsecond DPC latency is a bit high but the important part is that it's flat. It's not all over the place. Periodic spikes in the DPC latency indicate that there are poorly written drivers with ISRs that are taking way too long to execute.

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