OTOH, adding 3 TB of additional storage to my Xbox One consisted of plugging the drive into a USB port and telling the system to go ahead and claim it all. Can't do that on the PS4. When the day soon comes that I need more space in that machine, I have to pull the existing drive and install another, losing the capacity I originally purchased as part of the machine. Currently, the PS4 still has issue with drives much larger than 2 TB, so the Nyko device for using 3.5" drives is of limited value.
I'm hoping Sony fixes the issues with Nyko (or a higher quality comparable add-on) but I'm not holding my breath.
You're not wrong. At first I was like oh boy you can upgrade internal storage. But then it's like wait, I can't plug in a big external 7200RPM drive? I initially figured the inability to upgrade the internal drive easily on the XB1 would be a huge disadvantage... but they added the ability to use external drives effortlessly.
So if I eventually get an XB1, I'm going to slap a WD Black in an external aluminum housing and bam, massive storage upgrade complete with faster load times. I may get one around Christmas if there's a good bundle. I don't think I'll need the Elite though, personally, but some guys will spring for the fancy model with the high-end controller.