Gam3r01 :
psiboy :
If they had bothered to use DX12 the AMD Chips (fx-83xx) would have been in a better position as it uses more cores than dx11 (about 1.5 cores) Developer stupidity strikes again! I won't be buying this game...(Yes I enjoyed the first one) So many have moved to Windows 10 for DX12 and these numpties still only supporting DX11.
DX12 wasnt a thing when this game began development. They would have had to start over again to implement DX12 features (which realistically wouldnt have made a drastic impact) and possibly delayed the game a year or more.
Respawn Entertainment, a studio that thought 35gb for uncompressed audio was a good idea, i suspect developer incompetence FAR more then redoing the game for dx12/vulcan, i mean this is the same dev/people that refused private servers on pc, would not put an fov slider in the game, among other issues when they worked on cod