Latest 'Titanfall 2' News Reveals PC Requirements, Benchmarks, Visual Options

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Since it was also built for the 8-core Jaguar AMD APU powered consoles, I'd bet it will run fine on a high-clocked AMD quad-core at the "recommended" config at the least. If the PC version is threaded as well as the console version, an 83xx would do well enough at higher settings. The lack of a DX12 render path is disappointing though. I can see having DX11 as the default but DX12 should be an option.

My deduction is based on the fact for minimum settings it claims I3 6300T OR AMD Equivalent and the FX 8350 which is AMD's fastest most common CPU is about as fast as the I3 6100 which is only a little bit faster than the I3 6300T. Not to mention i suspect the PC version will not be that optimized given they were not willing to do a beta test of it on PC.
BUT IS IT CRYSIS? take off hoser, this is the new touted benchmark! i could have said " but does it play titanfall2@4k@144hz over60FPS?"
oops i did it again.
too cliche'?
If they had bothered to use DX12 the AMD Chips (fx-83xx) would have been in a better position as it uses more cores than dx11 (about 1.5 cores) Developer stupidity strikes again! I won't be buying this game...(Yes I enjoyed the first one) So many have moved to Windows 10 for DX12 and these numpties still only supporting DX11.

DX12 wasnt a thing when this game began development. They would have had to start over again to implement DX12 features (which realistically wouldnt have made a drastic impact) and possibly delayed the game a year or more.

and yet a lot of recent titles have added dx12 support in patches....
is a fx 8300@4.2 and gtx 960 4gb core clock@ 150mhz and memory clock@500mhz will be fine for playing at max setting no aa @108030fps

Do able, but i don't think it would be enjoyable experience.

Respawn Entertainment, a studio that thought 35gb for uncompressed audio was a good idea, i suspect developer incompetence FAR more then redoing the game for dx12/vulcan, i mean this is the same dev/people that refused private servers on pc, would not put an fov slider in the game, among other issues when they worked on cod

I believe the uncompressed audio data is to be more CPU friendly.

my computer is heavily crippled by mp3's, how they get them to work on deviced about the size if not smaller then my thumb is beyond me, not to mention formats that compress with higher quality and lower size then mp3,

I have a crappy cpu, ill take the insignificant performance hit that every other developer for... what, 10-20 years if not more has done and live with slight worse performance, and if running an mp3 cripples your engine, which again, brings up gross developer incompetence. more recent things they showed off/said about the game make me believe this is going to be doa anyway.
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