This is from a different psu but is a shot of a male molex. Not trying to insult your intelligence, just not sure if you realize neither male or female has exposed pins. One has a large plastic sheath and male pins inside, the other should have metal receptacles for the pins with a smaller plastic sheath that slips into the other end. Usually the male has curved grips on it like the ones in this photo for easier removal.
Sorry for the large photo size, that's why it's not an inline photo here and just a link.
If you truly don't have molex plugs that match the led strip there are molex converters with m/m or f/f to bridge between two identical power connectors. Did you also check the molex from the led strip to make sure it's not dual sided like a pass through type plug? Fans often use something similar so they can be plugged in series without terminating or completely using up a molex cable.