Greetings again. Built a new computer. All is well. Except for an annoying LED light on my card that shines all day and all night, even off, unless I unplug the computer. It's a GTX 970, updated and all. Tried using Geforce Experience to turn it off. Under the LED Visualizer tab I click "Configure LED Visualizer," and it reads: Supported Nvidia cards are not found on the system. I highly doubt this new card isn't supported, especially with that annoying light.
- Windows 7 Ultimate
- Z97 Gaming 5 (MS-7917) Mobo
- GTX 970 (Updated)
- i5 4690
- Windows 7 Ultimate
- Z97 Gaming 5 (MS-7917) Mobo
- GTX 970 (Updated)
- i5 4690