Question [Lenovo 910] Plugging in Vava USB-C hub causes major slow down only in USB-C charging port, no problem when in data only USB-C port

Nov 24, 2020
Video of what this looks like. 00:33 is when I plug in the hub, 01:28 is when I unplug it and you can see the change almost immediately.

I bought a USB-C hub with a RJ5 ethernet port since my laptop doesn't have one. My laptop has two USB-C ports, a charging one and a purely data one. When I plug my hub into my charging USB-C port the laptop runs very slow, but not when plugged into the data only port. Why?

For reference I'm running Windows 10 on a Lenovo 910 laptop. The hub is a Vava 8 in 1, which is generally highly rated hub among reviewers. Task manager doesn't show any extra CPU usage.

For the most part I can't imagine this being too big of an issue but considering the hub allows for pass-through power I'd like to be able to use the feature since that's part of the reason I wanted this hub.
I tried to record it again with the task manager visible, but Windows 10's native screen recorder only records one window at a time so I can't show exactly what's happening.

Nothing is connected to the Vava hub. While testing this I did find out that plugging in a power cord into the Vava's power in port causes the slow down to go away for the most part. In other words, supplying external power to the hub fixes the issue. Is this typical behavior or does this sound like a defective device?

And again all of these issues are only present on the power/data port. There is no problem at all using the data only port.