Lenovo y700 advise

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From what I have seen, it is a solid gaming laptop.

It is really up to you if you want touch or non, but I would go with touch screen, since it will come in handy if I ever need to use a touch screen.

But since the touch is a TN Panel and the other one is IPS which is best to pick?


Greetings, calaca:

Whatever you choose, make sure you get an IPS screen. Lenovo's TN screens are god-awful to the point of being useless for a portable device.

TNs may be better for gaming, but only for that. An IPS screen offers better viewing angles, and so it will be much more useful when you move it around, from your home to the cafe or to work, which is rather the whole point of a laptop.

Unless you're a hard-core gamer, I doubt you're going to miss the extra precision and slightly better response time offered by the TN screen. For everyone else, being able to watch video content on the screen without having to adjust the laptop or yourself constantly will most likely be the primary reason to buy a laptop.


I purchased the Ideapad Y700 laptop through Lenovo at the beginning of this month for my daughters 18th birthday at the end of this month. It arrived on 11/20. Upon opening it and beginning the process of setting it up I opened the Nvidia Geforce panel in the right corner and saw that there was a driver update. I clicked update and it immediately gave my an error saying Nvidia could not be found. So I got on the phone with tech support who at first refused to help me because they said I was having a “software issue” after frantically explaining to them that I had just received this laptop today they agreed to take remote control of the machine. After several minutes the technician told me that my graphics card was not fitted properly in and that this was actually a hardware issue and I would need to send back the laptop...WHAT?!?!...so here I am with a brand new laptop with hardware issues already boxed and sitting on my kitchen floor to go back. I’m left with nothing to give my daughter for her 18th birthday. I truly believe when a company shows you who they really are through poor quality products that you should listen. I’ll be sending this back for refund and investing my money and time elsewhere. The time that I spent on Lenovo should have gone towards giving my daughter the best 18th I could….that I won’t be able to get back. I suggest you do your research before purchasing Lenovo, start with consumer complaints there are a lot of them!
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