Level 10 GT Rear Exhaust Fan Header - ASUS 970 PRO Gaming/Aura


Apr 18, 2013
Hello, I'm currently working on a new build and I think I know what the deal is, but I would really appreciate if someone could clarify.
I'm installing an ASUS 970 PRO Gaming/Aura motherboard into a Thermaltake Level 10 GT case. AS of right now, I have made all connections except for the rear exhaust fan, because I'm not fully sure where to plug it in.

My problem with the exhaust fan is that the connector requires 3 pins, whereas my motherboard only supplies fan headers with 4 pins. I understand (from the motherboard manual hyperlinked above) that the fourth pin acts as a "CPU FAN PWM" connector, which I understand is the connector that utilizes fans with varying RPM.

Seeing as my rear exhaust fan has an RPM set at 1000, I just wanted to know if someone could confirm that I can simply plug my exhaust fan into any one of the CHA_FAN headers, leaving the fourth (PWM) header (wire/header wire??) exposed.

Thank you so much in advance and if you need me to clarify, please feel free to ask!