[SOLVED] LG SN5 vs SN5Y Soundbar difference?


Jan 17, 2017
Hey guys!

I'm trying to find a new soundbar for my TV, and I got stuck between two options: LG SN5 and SN5Y... what are the differnces between the two? They have two separate pages and codes on LG's site, but couldn't find a single difference among their specs, only that the physical size of the SN5Y's sub is smaller. The SN5Y is slightly cheaper here.

Does anyone know how they differ? And, is the SN5 good enough for a small room? How would you compare it to something like the Creative Stage V2?
If you looked into details, the SN5Y has eARC HDMI (better sound quality transmission than the other), tl also have microphone and is compatible with Google Assistant for voice control feature.

Huh, interesting, the localized LG pages in my country don't mention those features, so that's weird. One difference I noticed also is the Subwoofer frequency is 5Ghz on one, and 5.8Ghz on the other. What would that affect, if at all?