LG To Mass Produce Shatter-Proof, Plastic-Based OLED Displays This July

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You see, our distant relatives had it right, scrolls were more portable than books, the idea of roll-able displays were not lost on them. Next we'll be heading back to tablets, albeit not made of stone... oh, wait a minute!
I don't need OLED can be bent or curved... I just need them to be cheap... So I can buy my next 55" TV using OLED....
Personally, I would like to see mono and colour OLED replace LCD as the preferred display choice for AC-operated equipment. This means that the manufacturers don't need to implement deep display devices like VFD tubes or backlit LCDs, and allows them to make their devices a bit more special.
I don't need OLED can be bent or curved... I just need them to be cheap... So I can buy my next 55" TV using OLED....
Don't think they'll be cheap anytime soon. But Quantom Dot technology is starting to take off which just requires an extra layer of film be added to LED LCD Tv's and it improves color reproduction of LCD's to the point it rivals OLED. This technology so far inflates the price of an LCD TV from around 30-50% which still is a good deal cheaper than OLED TV's. And as Quantom Dots see increased usage their prices will drop. I'm personally hoping to see some IPS QD computer monitors with Freesync support hit the market.
Quantum Dot does NOT rival OLED. I'm not sure why people keep claiming this.

There's still a backlight and thus light bleed in Quantum Dot that means that it will never have black levels as dark as OLED can do.

This has been reported several times, though there is an article floating around that's totally incorrect (he said each pixel could control its own brightness in QDot).
(I meant the incorrect article said each pixel could control their own brightness including turning off completely which is false because again there's light bleed with the LCD panel as always. QDot's are on the backlight itself. The LCD panel still exists to filter the light)
photonboy is completely correct. It's more like OLED > Plasma >>>> QDot > LCD in terms of overall potential image quality. Companies need to stop throwing band-aids at and resuscitating ancient LCD technology...since Plasma is dying due to mainly public ignorance of its quality and the false notion that burn-in is still a problem (it isn't), we need to embrace the future!!!

Pentile fixes two major problems with high-density RGB stripes.

1. RGB subpixel rendering is asymmetric. A 1280x800 display ends up being the equivalent of 3840x800 with non-square subpixels. You end up with 3x the subpixel resolution in one direction that you have in the other. And if you tilt the display from landscape to portrait, you need to do a completely different subpixel rendering method for fonts. Pentile subpixels are symmetric horizontally and vertically, and the same rendering method works in either direction.

2. The color resolution of your eye is not the same in red, green, and blue. Green is substantially better, red mediocre, and blue bad. With low-density RGB pixels this isn't a big deal. But with high-density (high-PPI screens like retina) you're basically wasting subpixels on blue and red resolution your eyes can't see, while green resolution is still not sufficient to fool the eye. RGBG pentile is a closer match, and can fool the eye in red, green, and blue while using fewer addressable pixels.

Basically, once high-PPI displays become standard, pentile is going to take over.
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