LGA 1366 board w' USB 3.0


Dec 9, 2013
Hey Everyone,

So right now I'm running an i7-950, which seems like to should be able to get me by for a bit, but the main thing bothering me, as I'm sure you've gathered from the title- is i don't have USB 3.0, and apparently 1366 is pretty much discontinued and I have not been able to find anything in the way of a consumer grade board, any suggestions on boards and where i can grab one would be awesome, thanks.
That's so !#*(ing perfect man, thanks. --oh and just wanted to check if that's compatible with my mobo, I'd expect it is but figured no harm in askking someone with experience w' the device, I'm on a DX58SO--also, guess i have a few more questions, but just taking a closer look now, do you know of one of those that provides a plug for front port usb3?