LGA775 Heatsink installation?


Dec 1, 2003
Hi there:
Excuse my english as it is not my first language.
I've upgraded my computer recently to Pentium IV, and I've encountered some problems when I was setting up the new system, which may sound stupid to all of you....
The one I have is the Pentium IV 520 LGA775 - 2.8E, acompanied by the ASUS P5GD1 motherboard.
everything was fine until when it comes to install the heatsink, which is provided together with the CPU in the original package.... I did everything said on the instructions but the heatsink was very tight and it is very hard to get it installed!! after i finally installed it i found that the heatsink was so tight that it even curved the motherboard, it's like the whole CPU socket was pressured by the heatsink so much that it slumped a little into the motherboard... i checked on the Intel's website for the demostration of the installation but everything on it seemed so easy... is this normal or is there something wrong with my fan/heatsink?

another question i have is about my PSU, which comes with the case by the way. it is 380W and is said to support Pentium IV CPUs. the thing is i only found a 20 pin plug and a additional 12V 2X2 plug conecting to the motherboard, but the socket on the motherboard has 24 pins. i read the manual of the board and it said 20 pins' one also works for the board, but how?

many thanks!


Dec 31, 2007
The heatsink should not require much force to install. Check for alignment and motherobard parts in the way.

You can buy a 20 to 24 pin adapter online or at Fry's or CompUSA for less than 10 dollars.

Im running the P5AD2 and I have no clearance problems. tripple check to see if something is hitting.

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Former Staff
The extra pins are for extra power. Your board is designed to get that extra power from the normal 20-pins if needed. But it's 24-pin to comply with Intel's specification. So you can use either. The other 4 pins go unused when you install the smaller connector.

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Mar 9, 2001
directions worked easy for me. and btw that socket isn't even close to fragile. the pins arn't as long as the ones that used to be on the cpu. fan is pimp also quiet as hell. u can barely hear the machine until the cdrom spins up.


Dec 1, 2003
Thanks a lot guys, i think i was just being too nervous, because it was my first time building a Pentium IV system.

there is nothing wrong with the CPU and the Heatsink/Fan.

everything works fine, including the PSU (thank god......)

thanks for all yours expert advise!!


Jan 6, 2004
yeah , the 24-pin should be backward compatible to 20-pins. Just hook it up to the left I think.

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