All of my Lian Li fans used to sync up perfectly, until recently I reset windows entirely. Now the bottom 3 fans refuse to change lighting through ANY software. I've tried reinstalling my RGB softwares, deleting them and installing them one at a time, and trying booting with all lighting software uninstalled, and the bottom fans are still stuck. I read somewhere that the fans would work properly if i used SignalRGB, it synced everything together except for the bottom fans, and even then, the 'working' fans RGB would appear laggy and extremely choppy. note that everything is spinning properly and the fan's speed can be controlled, just not the RGB. I'm not sure where to go from here.. Any help would be appreciated.
The softwares i have tried so far,
L-Connect 1, 2, and 3
Asus Armory Crate
The softwares i have tried so far,
L-Connect 1, 2, and 3
Asus Armory Crate