Lian Li Releases the PC-Q33 Mini-ITX Chassis

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This is a nice case but why do most ITX are shaped like a cube? Just look at Silverstone's RVZ01 and other pre-built ITX systems. All you pretty much need is a GPU riser.
I'd like to see a version of this chassis with a transversal slit up top for an optical slot reader - kind of like a "toaster." Yes I know most people seem to have discarded optical readers, but I'm building a kit for the kids, and they want to be able to run disc based media.
Ive been contemplating a Mini ITX build for some time. All of my storage has moved to my servers, my house is now a Gig network with Cat6 through out the house so a smaller PC has been in mind.

Last month MSI released their Mini ITX GTX760 but I could find a decent case. This one may be an option but I have to see what kind of fan/heat sink I can get in there to get a proper i7 running.
Agreed about the "cube" factor and the fact you cannot run a standard card in it. However, and I don't know why, I love the hinged design on the case! I have been eyeing MITX for a while...this may be a go to.

That is quite a nice case. Good use of space.
The article says "low-profile graphics cards" but the ASUS one on the picture is a normal size one. So can I put into it a normal graphic card?
This looks like a step back for Lian-Li. It's a nice desktop form factor, but having only one fan really limits the TDP it can handle. I wouldn't consider this until we see how it performs in the labs.
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