Question Lian Li


Dec 19, 2016
Hi guys, thanks for your replies.

When I went to imgur at the time of making this post it was saying something like it wasnt accepting new members or something. Isnt doing that now.

I solved the problem by simply buying a Razor argb controller. I had previously bought 2 Lian Li controllers the Uni controller and then the one specifically for infinity fans. Neither had the right connections. Word of advice, if you buy infinity fans indiviually, DONT buy the controller for them as the plugs wont match. I tried messaging Lian Li directly but they were about as much use as a punch in the face. All they did was kept referring me to the manual or a set-up video. The plugs don't match, how is that going to help?



I have bought 7 individual LIan Li infinity fans. Yes I know they do boxes of 3 but they were sold out. I then bought a lian li infinity controller to control the fans. The problem is that the fans have two cables, an argb and a standard fan cable. The controller has some bizarre 7 pin socket which I cant use. What has gone wrong? What can I do to rectify this??

I cant upload a pic unfortunately.

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bought a lian li infinity controller
it sounds like to use the fans' aRGB you will need a either separate LED hub or a different hub that includes both fan and LED input/output.

though without definitive info regarding this hub you purchased we have no idea what it offers.
cant upload a pic
just take a picture with your phone or other device, upload to, and share it here through direct link.