Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (
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Asher_N wrote:
> "kurttrail" <> wrote in
> news:ud5LoxhuFHA.664@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl:
>> Asher_N wrote:
>>> "kurttrail" <> wrote in
>>> news:ee3oVQguFHA.1572@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl:
>>>> Asher_N wrote:
>>>>> "kurttrail" <> wrote in
>>>>> news:eOQSn5fuFHA.3660@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl:
>>>>>> Asher_N wrote:
>>>>>>> "David Candy" <.> wrote in
>>>>>>> news:ux0JOaduFHA.3236@TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl:
>>>>>>>> Doesn't matter what MS thinks. There is no contract between the
>>>>>>>> user and MS. There is one between MS and the seller and between
>>>>>>>> the seller and the user.
>>>>>>> The agreement is between you and the copyright holder (MS).
>>>>>>> Technically, the seller only sells you the media. The rest of
>>>>>>> the cost is a licence fee. The EULA spells out what you can do
>>>>>>> with the licence. You own the media but not the contents.
>>>>>> LOL! You have every right to believe the earth is flat. That
>>>>>> does not mean that the earth really is flat.
>>>>>> I purchased the copy of software from the previous owner, the
>>>>>> retailer. Transfer of ownership occurred at the time of sale.
>>>>> That's were you are fundamentely wrong. You never purchase
>>>>> copyrighted material. You pay for the rights to use it.
>>>> I own my copy of copyrighted material, and I have the right to use
>>>> it as a condition of its sale.
>>> You own limited rights of use.
>> No, I own my copy of software, after I exchange cash for the copy of
>> software with the previous owner of the copy of software.
>>> You can't buy a book and the re-sell it
>>> claiming that you were the author.
>> I never calimed that I authored my copy of software. What a bogus
>> argument!
>> You didn't author it either, so I don't see why you have your
>> panties in a twist over what I believe are my rights to my copy of
>> software.
> Because, and this may come as a surprise to your juvenile mind,
> believe in the law, and some of us actually believe in paying for
> stuff we use and consume.
1.) The EULA is not a law unto itself.
2.) I believe in the privacy and "fair use" rights of my fellow human
beings over the rights of the corporate copyright elite, after they have
been paid for a copy of copyrighted material.
No copyright owner that sells copies of copyrighted material through
third parties has any effin' right to know how I use my copy in the
privacy of my home, and until there is a real legal precedent that says
differently, then I will use my copies of copyrighted material according
to my interpretation of the law, not according to yours or Microsoft's
or any other copyright owner.
You have every right to conform to the legally unsubstantiated whims of
the corporate copyright elite. In every society there are butt-kissers,
and you butt-kissers have every right to snuggle up to society's fascist
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