Lide 20 win 7 64

HA! I searched when I first got my SYstem 7 computer with no go, My mother sent me some of my daughters wedding pictures to scan and I don't like the way my other scanner is used to scan, my simple to hook up to my computer CanoScan Lide 30 I loved and I found the answer just got done scanning! I tried to post this elsewhere and was banned, so spread the word if You can!
Use VueScan Scanner Software it is global :bounce: for scanners and worked for my Canoscan Lide 30 in System 7 - was hard to find! At
I was so excited to find this!

Use VueScan Scanner Software it is glabal for scanners and worked for my Canoscan Lide 30 in System 7 - was hard to find! At
I was so excited to find this! :bounce: and its free.