I was browsing around the internet while a huge storm was going on outside. My PC was plugged into the wall. Suddenly, a huge bolt of Lightning strikes the ground near my house and I hear a loud snap come from my PC. It abruptly shuts down after that. I unplugged everything and waited a few minutes. After plugging my PC back into the wall, fans spin and lights come on, but monitor won't post. I've been researching for hours for a fix but can't find one. I've suspected the PSU dying so I replaced it with one from my old system, monitor still won't post. I swapped my GTX 1060 for an old GT 1030 and my monitor came on for a few minutes just to go to the windows screen, then turns off. My system seemed to shut off on it's own after around 3 minutes of being on. I'm not sure what to do as I think it's a problem with my motherboard rather than my GPU. I refuse to believe whatever broke was my GPU as I don't really have the funds to replace it. Maybe the surge broke a PCIE slot. I don't know. Any help?
PC Part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/parakeetxd/saved/YV4Nqs
PC Part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/parakeetxd/saved/YV4Nqs