Limited Account and Internet Access



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

Hi, I'm running XP Home and have a limited account set up for the kids. IE
will not access the internet from the limited account side. I can access it
through the "run as" command under "admimistrator", but it accesses all my
favorites and settings. Can this be set up to run IE and allow the kids their
own Favorives.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?)

"Labud" <> wrote:

>Hi, I'm running XP Home and have a limited account set up for the kids. IE
>will not access the internet from the limited account side. I can access it
>through the "run as" command under "admimistrator", but it accesses all my
>favorites and settings. Can this be set up to run IE and allow the kids their
>own Favorives.

This may help: "Behavior of RAS Connections With the Fast User
Switching Feature" (
