Linking sutras to Primordials



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In case anybody here isn't an RPG.netizen, I'd mention it here, 'cause I
think it's neat.

It's been mentioned before, here, that there is a general theory that
each Sidereal ability sutra could be linked to a Primordial, with the
most obvious linkage being The Ebon Dragon and the Scripture of the
One-Handed Maiden (Resistance). Discussion on and reference to
a relevant discussion page on the wiki expands on the idea somewhat.
Here's a neato list of sutras and possible corresponding Primordials,
with reasoning:

The Scripture of the One-Handed Maiden (Resistance)

Once, there was a maiden...
....who struck an iron wall until it shattered her hand.
She did not stop, though cracks spread through her bones.
She did not stop, though blood sprayed her eyes.
She did not stop until she shattered the wall.
"Survival is fury," she said.

The Ebon Dragon. "The Ebon Dragon's nature is to test the limits of his
prison. He does not trust the work of the gods to contain him, for he
is that which they are not. Thus, the Yozis have given him the task of
breaking their durance, and his plans work always to free him from his
cell." -Games of Divinity page 88

The Scripture of the Eternal Maiden (Endurance)

Once, there was a maiden...
....made from a lump of iron, shaped by wind, sea, and fire.
Fearing how wood might shape her, she ran, and did not look back.
One day, she forgot what she ran from.
So, she pulled out her hear to ask it.
"Why don't you look back and see?" it said.
So, she sighed and threw her heart away.
"I have no use for beginnings," she said.

Autochthon. Autochthon contains the elements of earth, air, water, and
fire, but has no wood within him. He runs from the world, and his
heart, or at least his Eye, is separate from him.

The Scripture of Lover and Maiden (Craft)

Once, there was a maiden...
....who met a thing that lived outside the world, and there was beauty to it.
It burned with an unholy wrath that could destroy Creation.
It hated her as much as it loved her.
Its kiss was blood and perfection, for its teeth were sharp.
It offered her power, and with it, hooks to tear her soul.
With care not to burn her fingers, she took it into her life.
"Love is what you make of it," said she.

Gaia. It speaks of her relationship with Luna. There's always been
something strange about Luna. [Alternately, for a vastly more upbeat
take on the Gaia/Luna relationship, Gaia could be the Scripture of the
Bride (Linguistics).]

The Scripture of the Maiden in Chains (Occult)

Once, there was a maiden...
....and before her came all the peoples of Creation, and knelt.
They set aside their petty squabbles in her name.
They acclaimed her with many shouts.
They prayed for her safety, and her weal.
Not one of them struck free her chains.
"To know the world..."
" to own it," she said.

Who could it be but She Who Lives In Her Name? (Incidentally, it is an
interesting parallel, if we are considering that sorcery may have come
from the Yozis, that there are three Circles of Sorcery, and She Who
Lives In Her Name broke three of her spheres against Creation, assuming
there's something to the associating Primordials with sutras thing. I
mostly point this out because hey, this is the Occult sutra. On the
other hand, the skill with which a sutra is associated may have nothing
to do with the Yozi with which it is associated; otherwise I'd really
expect Autochthon to be linked to Crafts.)

The Scripture of the Expectant Maiden (Martial Arts)

Once, there was a maiden...
....who was always looking forward to the way things would be.
She said, "Someday, I'm getting out of this place."
"Someday, I'm going to kill that boy that put me here."
"And while I wait, I don't much mind,
'cause it's better to dream tomorrow than to be there."
"I'm holding at bay," she said, "what I know to be true."
"That I'll never get out. I won't let my dreams die!"
"I'll hang on to hope," she said, "until Time itself ends. But--"
"There's always an ending," said Time.

Sacheverell, He Who Knows the Shape of Things to Come. "Lucien kills
those whose deeds would awaken Sacheverell, the Demon Prince that knows
the shape of things to come, for Sacheverell's sleep is prized by gods
and Yozis alike." -Games of Divinity page 101


As usual, I have not an original thought in my head, but excel at
functioning as a filter through which the thoughts of others can be
"You do your arguments no favor by insulting those you ought persuade."
--Greg Stolze, Rites of the Dragon
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Stephenls wrote:
> In case anybody here isn't an RPG.netizen, I'd mention it here, 'cause I
> think it's neat.
> It's been mentioned before, here, that there is a general theory that
> each Sidereal ability sutra could be linked to a Primordial, with the
> most obvious linkage being The Ebon Dragon and the Scripture of the
> One-Handed Maiden (Resistance). Discussion on and reference to
> a relevant discussion page on the wiki expands on the idea somewhat.
> Here's a neato list of sutras and possible corresponding Primordials,
> with reasoning:
> The Scripture of the One-Handed Maiden (Resistance)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ....who struck an iron wall until it shattered her hand.
> She did not stop, though cracks spread through her bones.
> She did not stop, though blood sprayed her eyes.
> She did not stop until she shattered the wall.
> "Survival is fury," she said.
> The Ebon Dragon. "The Ebon Dragon's nature is to test the limits of his
> prison. He does not trust the work of the gods to contain him, for he
> is that which they are not. Thus, the Yozis have given him the task of
> breaking their durance, and his plans work always to free him from his
> cell." -Games of Divinity page 88
> The Scripture of the Eternal Maiden (Endurance)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ....made from a lump of iron, shaped by wind, sea, and fire.
> Fearing how wood might shape her, she ran, and did not look back.
> One day, she forgot what she ran from.
> So, she pulled out her hear to ask it.
> "Why don't you look back and see?" it said.
> So, she sighed and threw her heart away.
> "I have no use for beginnings," she said.
> Autochthon. Autochthon contains the elements of earth, air, water, and
> fire, but has no wood within him. He runs from the world, and his
> heart, or at least his Eye, is separate from him.
> The Scripture of Lover and Maiden (Craft)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ....who met a thing that lived outside the world, and there was beauty
> to it.
> It burned with an unholy wrath that could destroy Creation.
> It hated her as much as it loved her.
> Its kiss was blood and perfection, for its teeth were sharp.
> It offered her power, and with it, hooks to tear her soul.
> With care not to burn her fingers, she took it into her life.
> "Love is what you make of it," said she.
> Gaia. It speaks of her relationship with Luna. There's always been
> something strange about Luna. [Alternately, for a vastly more upbeat
> take on the Gaia/Luna relationship, Gaia could be the Scripture of the
> Bride (Linguistics).]
> The Scripture of the Maiden in Chains (Occult)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ....and before her came all the peoples of Creation, and knelt.
> They set aside their petty squabbles in her name.
> They acclaimed her with many shouts.
> They prayed for her safety, and her weal.
> Not one of them struck free her chains.
> "To know the world..."
> " to own it," she said.
> Who could it be but She Who Lives In Her Name? (Incidentally, it is an
> interesting parallel, if we are considering that sorcery may have come
> from the Yozis, that there are three Circles of Sorcery, and She Who
> Lives In Her Name broke three of her spheres against Creation, assuming
> there's something to the associating Primordials with sutras thing. I
> mostly point this out because hey, this is the Occult sutra. On the
> other hand, the skill with which a sutra is associated may have nothing
> to do with the Yozi with which it is associated; otherwise I'd really
> expect Autochthon to be linked to Crafts.)
> The Scripture of the Expectant Maiden (Martial Arts)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ....who was always looking forward to the way things would be.
> She said, "Someday, I'm getting out of this place."
> "Someday, I'm going to kill that boy that put me here."
> "And while I wait, I don't much mind,
> 'cause it's better to dream tomorrow than to be there."
> ....
> "I'm holding at bay," she said, "what I know to be true."
> "That I'll never get out. I won't let my dreams die!"
> "I'll hang on to hope," she said, "until Time itself ends. But--"
> "There's always an ending," said Time.
> Sacheverell, He Who Knows the Shape of Things to Come. "Lucien kills
> those whose deeds would awaken Sacheverell, the Demon Prince that knows
> the shape of things to come, for Sacheverell's sleep is prized by gods
> and Yozis alike." -Games of Divinity page 101
> Source:
> As usual, I have not an original thought in my head, but excel at
> functioning as a filter through which the thoughts of others can be
> organized.

Damn it, I posted on this exact topic a few weeks ago. Where were you then?
[The address listed is a spam trap. To reply, take off every zig.]
Richard Clayton

Be a friend to man's best friend: don't buy dogs from pet stores.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Richard Clayton wrote:

> Damn it, I posted on this exact topic a few weeks ago. Where were
> you then?

Posting to said thread. I have the first and only direct reply to your
first post in that thread, in fact. It was where we hashed out that
Sorcery has to post-date the Primordial War due to the inclusion of
Demon of the First Circle in the list of the first five spells Brigid
"You do your arguments no favor by insulting those you ought persuade."
--Greg Stolze, Rites of the Dragon
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Stephenls wrote:
> Richard Clayton wrote:
> > Damn it, I posted on this exact topic a few weeks ago. Where
> > you then?
> Posting to said thread. I have the first and only direct reply to
> first post in that thread, in fact. It was where we hashed out that
> Sorcery has to post-date the Primordial War due to the inclusion of
> Demon of the First Circle in the list of the first five spells Brigid

> invented.
> --
Did I somehow miss that one? Speaking of the origins of Sorcery, are
the Gods capable of it? While I don't believe any text has *forbidden*
spirits to use it, I can't recall a single one who, in stats or story,
could use it. Either way, it has interesting implications, don't you

Archived from groups: (More info?)

Stephenls wrote:
> Richard Clayton wrote:
>> Damn it, I posted on this exact topic a few weeks ago. Where were
>> you then?
> Posting to said thread. I have the first and only direct reply to your
> first post in that thread, in fact. It was where we hashed out that
> Sorcery has to post-date the Primordial War due to the inclusion of
> Demon of the First Circle in the list of the first five spells Brigid
> invented.

Huh. You're right. Strange; I've wiped and reinstalled my laptop since
then, and apparently when I re-loaded the newsgroup's messages, it
didn't pick up any of the replies. But now that you mention it, I
remember the discussion.

And I still suspect sorcery predates the end of the Primordial War. The
Black Treatise, after all, may not be the original five spells,
regardless of what legends say. (^_~)

Ultimately I find such discussions interesting but futile, as sooner or
later I want to experimentally test my hypotheses, but unfortunately
it's difficult to design a meaningful experiment involving a fictional
[The address listed is a spam trap. To reply, take off every zig.]
Richard Clayton

Be a friend to man's best friend: don't buy dogs from pet stores.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Stephenls wrote:
> In case anybody here isn't an RPG.netizen, I'd mention it here,
'cause I
> think it's neat.
<sigh> I've got to get to this "promised land"...

> It's been mentioned before, here, that there is a general theory that

> each Sidereal ability sutra could be linked to a Primordial, with the

> most obvious linkage being The Ebon Dragon and the Scripture of the
> One-Handed Maiden (Resistance). Discussion on and reference
> a relevant discussion page on the wiki expands on the idea somewhat.
> Here's a neato list of sutras and possible corresponding Primordials,

> with reasoning:

> The Scripture of the Eternal Maiden (Endurance)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ...made from a lump of iron, shaped by wind, sea, and fire.
> Fearing how wood might shape her, she ran, and did not look back.
> One day, she forgot what she ran from.
> So, she pulled out her hear to ask it.
> "Why don't you look back and see?" it said.
> So, she sighed and threw her heart away.
> "I have no use for beginnings," she said.
> Autochthon. Autochthon contains the elements of earth, air, water,
> fire, but has no wood within him. He runs from the world, and his
> heart, or at least his Eye, is separate from him.

This also fits the personality of Autochthon as shown in Exalted: Fair
> The Scripture of Lover and Maiden (Craft)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ...who met a thing that lived outside the world, and there was beauty
to it.
> It burned with an unholy wrath that could destroy Creation.
> It hated her as much as it loved her.
> Its kiss was blood and perfection, for its teeth were sharp.
> It offered her power, and with it, hooks to tear her soul.
> With care not to burn her fingers, she took it into her life.
> "Love is what you make of it," said she.
> Gaia. It speaks of her relationship with Luna. There's always been
> something strange about Luna. [Alternately, for a vastly more upbeat

> take on the Gaia/Luna relationship, Gaia could be the Scripture of
> Bride (Linguistics).]
It could also speak of, oddly, the Scarlet Empress and the Ebon
Dragon...tho the title of the next one may be more appropriate for

> The Scripture of the Maiden in Chains (Occult)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ...and before her came all the peoples of Creation, and knelt.
> They set aside their petty squabbles in her name.
> They acclaimed her with many shouts.
> They prayed for her safety, and her weal.
> Not one of them struck free her chains.
> "To know the world..."
> " to own it," she said.
> Who could it be but She Who Lives In Her Name? (Incidentally, it is
> interesting parallel, if we are considering that sorcery may have
> from the Yozis, that there are three Circles of Sorcery, and She Who
> Lives In Her Name broke three of her spheres against Creation,
> there's something to the associating Primordials with sutras thing.
> mostly point this out because hey, this is the Occult sutra. On the
> other hand, the skill with which a sutra is associated may have
> to do with the Yozi with which it is associated; otherwise I'd really

> expect Autochthon to be linked to Crafts.)
Well, note that Autochthon *is* a "thing that lived outside the
(Have you considered a "Circles of Sorcery":"Spheres of Magick"
> The Scripture of the Expectant Maiden (Martial Arts)
> Once, there was a maiden...
> ...who was always looking forward to the way things would be.
> She said, "Someday, I'm getting out of this place."
> "Someday, I'm going to kill that boy that put me here."
> "And while I wait, I don't much mind,
> 'cause it's better to dream tomorrow than to be there."
> ...
> "I'm holding at bay," she said, "what I know to be true."
> "That I'll never get out. I won't let my dreams die!"
> "I'll hang on to hope," she said, "until Time itself ends. But--"
> "There's always an ending," said Time.
> Sacheverell, He Who Knows the Shape of Things to Come. "Lucien kills

> those whose deeds would awaken Sacheverell, the Demon Prince that
> the shape of things to come, for Sacheverell's sleep is prized by
> and Yozis alike." -Games of Divinity page 101
Also, possibly, Malfeas?
> Source:
> As usual, I have not an original thought in my head, but excel at
> functioning as a filter through which the thoughts of others can be
> organized.
Thanks for that (as well as for your original thoughts)!
