Linksys E2500 Setup

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Mar 18, 2015
Hey guys, about a week ago I realized that our horrible router was becoming quite the issue for all the people in the house that wanted to use the Wi-Fi so I decided it was time for an upgrade. I settled on the Linksys E2500.

I have never setup a router before so this is all new to me. The package came with a setup CD, but from what I understand you do not need the CD, but rather can set up the router via the router settings page. I connected the router to the modem, gave it power, and hooked up the computer via Ethernet cable to the back of the router. I plugged in the CD because as my first time I thought it would be a better Idea than to dive head first into the router settings page. When I booted up the CD it tries to setup the router but claims it is not connected to the computer at all, now I'm just confused. I double, tipple, quadruple check my cable work and retry the CD process each time but get the same answer "this computer does not appear to be connected to the router". The computer claims it is hooked up to "network 5" which I assume is the default name for the new router. The computer is both sending an receiving bytes, but I'm still getting the same message.

I have been in the router settings page of the old router so I felt I could try to set up the router with the little information I know. I type in the IP Address and instead of bringing me to the router settings page it brings me to a "management mode" page that tells me I need to upgrade the firmware. more thing to do. I go to Linksys and figure out where the firmware is and how to download and install it. After the download was complete I went back to the "management mode" page the router setting keeps taking me to and select the firmware to update. I wait for it to do its thing, and a few mins later I get a message saying update failed.

Now I'm exhausted, lost, and looking for guidance. Should I be getting internet even though the Lan connection even though the router is not done being set up? Any help would really be appreciated.
I wouldn't attempt a firmware update over the internet if that's what it's offering. Download it and upload it into the router's settings.

To get there seems to be part of your issue. So, first things first, I would reset your router, just to make sure nothing has been changed out of normal. Do a 30/30/30 reset (I won't explain that in detail here, if you google that, it will show you how).

Next, with your computer hardwired, open your command prompt. Run the command "IPConfig". This will return a "default gateway" under your Ethernet connection. This is the IP address you will type in your browser.

Next, it will ask you to log in, I'm fairly certain the default login for the e2500 is UN: admin, PW: admin.

Hopefully this gets you in...
I wouldn't attempt a firmware update over the internet if that's what it's offering. Download it and upload it into the router's settings.

To get there seems to be part of your issue. So, first things first, I would reset your router, just to make sure nothing has been changed out of normal. Do a 30/30/30 reset (I won't explain that in detail here, if you google that, it will show you how).

Next, with your computer hardwired, open your command prompt. Run the command "IPConfig". This will return a "default gateway" under your Ethernet connection. This is the IP address you will type in your browser.

Next, it will ask you to log in, I'm fairly certain the default login for the e2500 is UN: admin, PW: admin.

Hopefully this gets you in the right direction.
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