Liquid cooled CPU and overheating

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May 29, 2014
I have an AMD 8350 8core, and using a Corsair H100. Its always kept the CPU at around 45-50c degrees for the last 4 years. I got a warning this morning from AI Suite the cpu was over 65c, and about 2 minutes later the PC shut down (kinda counterproductive for a overheating cpu, turn off the cooling).
I pulled the rad out, blew the dust out of it, cleaned both the fans, cleaned the dust screens (coolmaster storm trooper case). Fired it back up and with just WoWS running its already at 61c. fans are running full speed trying to cool it down.
Where else should I be looking for a problem with the cooling system? Does the liquid ever need replacing in them? Thanks.
That is 10 years off my life... The cooler was baked to the cpu, entire cpu came out with the cooler, like 30 pins bent. 2 pints of sweat later and some careful bending, back down to 45c at full load. (except the fans still won't chill out, running at 100%)

Haha glad to see it worked for you, happy gaming :).
fix was short lived, back to 61c after posting this and rising. Used thermaltake TG-2 grease. The very top of the cooler on the cpu (be the liquid pump I'd assume), it can wiggle easily a couple mm side to side. I can't remember if its always been like that, but I would think that section should be firm to keep contact with the cpu. Anyone else use a corsair cooler that can compare?

When applying thermal paste, what method did you use?
I put a small blob in the center manually squish the cooler onto it tight, lift back up, if the entire cpu is covered, fasten the cooler. Same way as I have for years.
I also clean the cpu and cooler with 99% alcohol to remove the old grease, if that matters.
well, guess the next logical step would be to dig out the factory cooler that came with the chip and see if there is any difference (I actually kept that cheap piece of crap lol).

Lol if you get lower temps with the stock cooler, then its time to upgrade to another watercooler. Could just be it stopped working, highly unlikely though.
you're not going to believe the fix. I was browsing Corsair's forums with others that had the issues. One person mentioned shaking the tubes fixed it. I was skeptical, but I flicked the tubes a few times, in less than a minute temp dropped from 65c to 50c. Must have been an airlock or something. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself.

Glad to see you got it fixed! Still, 50c is quite high at idle, I'd consider another watercooler, but not right away if you wanted.
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