LiveKernelEvent 141 error on new setup.


Jan 11, 2016
I built a new PC recently and I've been having some issues with this error in particular. It seems that my graphic drivers are restarting every few minutes. Google Chrome blacks out and any video playing stops and turns to green every few minutes and after checking the "Reliability history" I see that another LiveKernelEvent has been logged. I've also had issues keeping games running. Usually, I get into a game, play for a bit and then it just crashes, which I assume is due to my driver issues. It's worth noting that I've had no issues with thermals and I haven't overclocked anything but my 2700x which is running at 3.8GHz rather than the base 3.7 and my memory which is running at 3200MHz.

My specs:
CPU: Ryzen 7 2700x
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz

Things I've tried:
1. Completely uninstalling and reinstalling my Nvidia drivers.
2. Resetting my Windows
3. Running a system scan with Windows Resource Protection via the CMD
4. Testing my memory with Windows Memory Diagnostic
5. Updating to the latest BIOS driver

I've gotten a bit desperate at this point so I would appreciate any sort of help. Thank you in advance!

Here's the Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffff900aba820010
Parameter 2: fffff8011a6fc7e4
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: ba8
OS version: 10_0_17763
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.17763.
Locale ID: 1033


Ok if its still doing this at stock memory settings IMO its unlikely your memory is an issue.

Being that this is all new hardware, I think your GPU is defective. The fact it soft crashes back to the desktop, the memory we discussed, its the most likely answer.
event 141 is a reaction, not a cause. When windows starts it runs a report to see if the previous shutdown was expected. If it finds it wasn't it creates event 141 (63). Have you done any forced restarts to escape the green screens? I mean, used the reset button on PC Case?

are you getting anything like this in reliability history -
as that is what my PC was showing whenever the graphics drivers stopped responding

Perhaps run ddu and reinstall Nvidia drivers (unless you already run ddu before) -

is the ram on the motherboard compatibility list?
Perhaps remove overclock till we figure out cause?
I haven't tried to restart my PC when these crashes happen because the drivers usually recover immediately. These are my reliability logs from today:

As I said I've ran DDU and reinstalled all my drivers about three times with no effect.

I checked if my RAM is on the compatibility list but it isn't. There is a similar model to mine with C15 instead of C16 and with 3000MHz instead of 3200MHz. Could this be something that would cause an issue like this?
Couple things, first are you on the latest BIOS? If not please do.

Secondly go into your BIOS after that and set your ram to base settings (shut off DOCP or XMP or whatever and just let it run stock at 2133 or 2400 mhz whatever it defaults to). Test the system out like this and report back.

Yes, I'm using the latest BIOS update at the moment. I did try to revert my memory to stock clocks but the issue still persists. Thank you for your suggestion though.

Should have added that I did do a clean install and after I saw the issues pop up I went ahead and reset Windows. Didn't work though.

Ok if its still doing this at stock memory settings IMO its unlikely your memory is an issue.

Being that this is all new hardware, I think your GPU is defective. The fact it soft crashes back to the desktop, the memory we discussed, its the most likely answer.

You might be right. I noticed my GPU Clocks are spiking up randomly while just browsing: Is this normal behavior?