Locating Network Problem Help


Jul 24, 2015
Hello all. For the past several weeks I have had my internet connection dropped briefly at random. I've done tests during the outages by creating a bat file and physical observation and noted how it happens, but there's exists 3 potential culprits and I need advice on how to isolate it further.

Right now, at random for very short periods, I have noticed the port on the switch my computer connects to will suddenly turn off, which is in turn connected to my router. The uplink to my router is still on and blinking away during these outages. I also have Windows 10, which has been screwy before. I had found a setting that allowed network adapters to be turned off, which I disabled but the problem persists.

So I am trying to figure out if the problem is one of the 3:
The network card/adapter is going bad
Windows 10 is messing with me
The network switch is bad/cable bad.

I did also wire everything with cat 6a with fresh new network cables. I just noticed this weird problem just recently though. Any thoughts on how to zero in on the problem would be nice.

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