Logitech Mouse double click issue


Jan 21, 2016
We are on our second Logitech M510 mouse and they are both doing the same thing. They have developed a double click when only clicking once after a couple months of use The first one came with a mouse/keyboard combo and lasted about a year. Then we bought a second M510 thinking that one was just defective, and now it is doing the same thing as well. We do not have the money to keep buying new mice every couple months.

Does anyone know if there is a piece of software that can add a slight delay between clicks. Like make Windows not accept clicks for like 100 ms after a click?

If not, can someone recommend a good wireless mouse that will not develop this problem?

I can definitely tell you that I am staying far away from Logitech mice from now on.
Most affordable and many expensive mice have the same issue and it is caused by switches wearing down over time: the switch debouncing algorithm in the mouse is tuned for switches that are still relatively close to factory specs and after they've degraded from wear, the debouncing isn't sufficient anymore and your get false positives/negatives.

I wish mouse manufacturers implemented this: www.tomshardware.com/reviews/hack-mouse-click-do-it-yourself,4458.html
Most affordable and many expensive mice have the same issue and it is caused by switches wearing down over time: the switch debouncing algorithm in the mouse is tuned for switches that are still relatively close to factory specs and after they've degraded from wear, the debouncing isn't sufficient anymore and your get false positives/negatives.

I wish mouse manufacturers implemented this: www.tomshardware.com/reviews/hack-mouse-click-do-it-yourself,4458.html

Yeah they all seem to do it nowadays, got rid of a few MS mice that had the issue and replaced them with the Logitech 510's.

Only had one 510 have the issue, the other 2 are fine. The one that was replaced was the older firmware vers.

And that one lasted 9 months before giving out.
I have a three years old G500 and while it isn't giving me those erroneous double-clicks yet, there are rare occurrences where my clicks fail to register or drag-and-drop randomly drops. Not frequent enough for me to bother with a replacement yet but it'll probably get there within a year.