razor512 :
nebun :
too many buttons
11 buttons are pretty minimalistic for a mouse
I have the G700 and the 13 buttons are very limiting (wish it had at least 3 more buttons.
Once you get used to using a mouse that allows for macros, you will quickly find yourself needing more and more buttons.
For me to satisfy my gaming and professional application needs (partially), I had to get a G700 mouse and a G510 keyboard.
If the logitech g13 wasn't so expensive, I would get one too as the G510 is limited to only 3 pages of 18 macros each, for each application, and the G700 is limited to just 7 G keys per page, and a limit of 5 pages
not sure how many the g602 stores but if it is just one page than that will be far too limiting.
The thing I like about the G700, as apposed to the G600, for example, is that it only has 4 thumb buttons, but has 3 extra index finger buttons for lesser used actions, and tilt wheel for a couple extra macros. Because they are nicely spread out around the mouse, you don't have troubles hitting the correct button when needed. I also like the G13, and have a Lua script that lets me do far more than traditional macro systems.