Looking at getting an i5 2500k or i7 2600k cpu, would like opinions


Jul 30, 2012
So, Im looking to get a new cpu(along with mobo) for gaming and some possible streaming via xsplit/twitch.tv

and I am wondering if it would be better for me to get the i7 2600k over the i5 2500k because I want to attempt streaming or if the i5 could do that without any real issues?

My current pc is rather old, being thus:

AMD Athlon II x 2 255 @ 3.1ghz(OC@3.6)
12gb 1333 mem
460GTX 2gb
Windows 7

Now I really can't afford to upgrade anything other than the CPU/Mobo at the moment(as that is what I see is holding me back).
Also as for the motherboard I have no idea what brand/etc I should get with it so if any info is thrown in about that I wouldn't object.

Anyways, I'll stop rambling.
Thanks for any info :)

(Also wont be buying until about the end of September)
z68 eh? I was looking at http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-z77ag45.

I have no plans to OC past just messing with the bios(no voltage tweaking etc) so I was also looking at the 3570k which I hear doesn't run as well when trying to really OC but wont be what I'm doing.
ok, if you are not oc, i would suggest you to buy the i5 2500, or i5 3570 non K version..
saves u a few bucks, but it's your money, so.. ya,

you can buy the 2500K or 3570K paired with a Z77 mobo. no problemo, games will run like butter through knife..

but if u buy 2500K, you cant get all the perks z77 is offering like Thunderbolt, or LucidVirtu.

if u buy a 3570K, u can get all the perks a z77 board is offering...