Question Looking for a 4k display under $500 & unsure if HDR is worth it


Feb 10, 2011
I don't really think 144hz is worth it as I tend to think of 60 fps as very smooth and really I would like to have 4k over 1440p at the moment. I tried a 3x 1080p set up for gaming in the past but I didn't really care for it so now I've decided that a single 4k screen is what I want to go with and I have ordered a Radeon VII that will be the GPU powering it.

From what I've read many "pro" reviewers seem to think HDR is the best thing that ever happened in gaming or movies but truth be told to me it seems very unclear as to real world picture quality if you will see improvement or not. Mainly because even a non HDR OLED with 4K seemed to have a near perfect image experience or at least to me it did. Then I keep reading user reviews where HDR isn't fully working and games that claim HDR where it hardly does anything to improve image quality such as RDR2.

If HDR isn't really worth it then I might just get a 4k Samsung as I found their picture quality fairly good when seeing one in best buy.
OK, HDR on TVs and playing HDR movies and shows... AWESOME

HDR on PC... not many games have true HDR. I think only 2 so far has TRUE HDR, not just saying they have HDR.

I rather have higher frame rates than 4K resolution. If someone shows you a 1440p monitor running the same game same brand monitor as one running 4K, you can't tell the difference.