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Looking for a 500$ gaming Computer (Roughly)


Nov 28, 2015
I need help building/buying a 500$ gaming computer. I also need the Mouse and Keyboard in that 500$ (It can be cheap and basic, as long as its durable because I type hard.) Suggestions for a monitor are also nice but shouldn't be included in the 500$
Well for (roughly) $620 you could actually get a Xeon which is basically an i7. I wouldn't recommend an overclocking build at this budget, not worth the money:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($227.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 380 4GB PCS+ Video Card ($179.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Zalman Z5 ATX...

Operating system is a no, and also no, because I don't know when I'll be getting the money.
Something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-4160 3.6GHz Dual-Core Processor ($96.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 380 4GB PCS+ Video Card ($179.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Zalman Z5 ATX Mid Tower Case ($29.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($47.60 @ SuperBiiz)
Keyboard: Logitech MK120 Wired Slim Keyboard w/Optical Mouse ($8.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $503.52
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-11-28 16:57 EST-0500

i3 + R9 380 should perform well in most games.

For a monitor it depends how much you want to spend, I'm guessing this is also on a tight budget so I'd look at something like this 24" IPS panel for $120.


Or one of these ultrawides for $169:


i3 Is the lowest Intel core isn't it? Will it be able to run Games like Fallout 4 or Minecraft on medium to high settings? Do you know if it's possible for me to take out the i7 from my Mac Laptop and put it in the computer or something?

It is the cheapest, but at your price point it's the best option. Unless you want to add another $60 to the budget for an i5 4460 you don't have many options.

I wouldn't try pulling your laptop processor. Besides, most mobile i7s are just a hyperthreaded dual core anyway, same as the i3.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that Fallout 4 does utilize hyperthreading so an i3 and an i5 won't be all that different. And Minecraft would be easily handled by this machine.

What if I raced the Budget to around 620? I would have to wait a few more weeks but it's doable and what about overclocking and cooling system

Well for (roughly) $620 you could actually get a Xeon which is basically an i7. I wouldn't recommend an overclocking build at this budget, not worth the money:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($227.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($59.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 380 4GB PCS+ Video Card ($179.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Zalman Z5 ATX Mid Tower Case ($29.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($47.60 @ SuperBiiz)
Keyboard: Logitech MK120 Wired Slim Keyboard w/Optical Mouse ($8.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $634.52
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-11-28 17:13 EST-0500

Alright thank you, I'll use that one. What about cooling?