I'm looking for a laptop for a friend. I would appreciate any suggestions. Here are the details:
Very simple: Microsoft Office and Web-browsing (for homework and social media).
$300-$550 Canadian
11-14 inch screen. Lighter the better, for a girl to carry around the city.
Additional Info:
- would like it to last as long as possible; usage requirements will never change
- longer battery life would be nice, but not a top priority
- HD doesn't matter
- screen resolution doesn't matter
- company doesn't matter (just looking for quality)
- color doesn't matter
- touch-screen not needed
- drives not needed
Thanks! 😀
I'm looking for a laptop for a friend. I would appreciate any suggestions. Here are the details:
Very simple: Microsoft Office and Web-browsing (for homework and social media).
$300-$550 Canadian
11-14 inch screen. Lighter the better, for a girl to carry around the city.
Additional Info:
- would like it to last as long as possible; usage requirements will never change
- longer battery life would be nice, but not a top priority
- HD doesn't matter
- screen resolution doesn't matter
- company doesn't matter (just looking for quality)
- color doesn't matter
- touch-screen not needed
- drives not needed
Thanks! 😀