Looking for a basic student laptop - simple usage

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Mar 19, 2014

I'm looking for a laptop for a friend. I would appreciate any suggestions. Here are the details:

Very simple: Microsoft Office and Web-browsing (for homework and social media).

$300-$550 Canadian

11-14 inch screen. Lighter the better, for a girl to carry around the city.

Additional Info:
- would like it to last as long as possible; usage requirements will never change
- longer battery life would be nice, but not a top priority
- HD doesn't matter
- screen resolution doesn't matter
- company doesn't matter (just looking for quality)
- color doesn't matter
- touch-screen not needed
- drives not needed

Thanks! 😀
Is your "student" already enrolled somewhere? you can get the "Academic" version of MS Office for about 50% of retail...

I've been able to get it at College Bookstores for about $100 US.

As to the laptop itself... Toshiba has some nice simple laptops in the price range (AMD APU's) I just look at Dell and did not like what was there...

Software isn't a problem 😛

She actually already bought a Dell and didn't like it, returned it after a few weeks.

I did look at Toshiba, this one kind works, but it says only 4 hours of battery life 🙁


Looking for more suggestions :)

Yeah, I was also looking at that Lenovo. Might be a bit big but I'll keep it in mind.

Is there a huge drop-off from the Intel Core i3-4010U (1.7GHz) to the Intel Pentium 2117U? I found an ASUS similar to the one you linked except the downgrade in processor and it's like $150 cheaper: here

Also, how is ACER for laptop quality?

Okay. I guess that ASUS you originally linked seems like a good fit. Is there any you would recommend that is like one grade lower in price?

With tax and Canadian exchange, that one ends up being about $600 🙁
Is there anything missing from the RT version that you think is essential? I googled the differences and to me it seems like my friend wouldn't really notice anything was different considering her extremely simple needs.

Also are you sure it runs RT? I saw a couple reviews that says it's the full version, and some says it is the RT.

Here's the one I'm looking at: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834231431&AID=10657534&PID=749547&SID=rfdcb-d725&nm_mc=AFC-C8junctionCA

I can get it for $320 US / $360 CAN

Yeah, the one you linked and the one I linked were different. I found the one you linked on BestBuy for $350 US, I might just go with that.

Thanks dude 😀 great help
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