looking for a beast psu

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Nov 3, 2014
PSU needs to fit into a phanteks enthoo evolv, im currently eyeballin' EVGA g1 650w

cpu: intel core i5 4690k
cooler: nzxt kraken x61
gpu: gigabyte gtx 970 g1
mobo: ASrock z97m OC formula
ram: 16gb Adata xpg v2
ssd: samsung 850 evo
hhd: wd blue 1tb

A good list for quick reference and OEM info nonetheless. And I agree, with SeaSonic or Super Flower, one will hardly go wrong.
There are some relatively inexpensive Super Flower units (e.g. Capstone) and Seasonic ones (e.g. "G" series), that aren't much more expensive that the CWT-built Corsairs; the latter are often steeply discounted or have rebates because the cat's out of the bag for how unsuitable for some uses they are. I'd put one in an office build, but not in a high-stress gamer.

Some of the fault lies with Corsair, certainly, but if you read that latest review on jonnyguru, you'll see that CWT's quality had really dropped off in that one; that's on CWT, not Corsair.

As to Seasonic vs. Super Flower, I agree that Seasonic has a long history of excellence that justifies holding it in higher esteem, but Super Flower is one of the few that are in the same league. Delta is another. They've done a few OEM units that are not great, but none are bad, and they're the guys cited by Oklahoma Wolf for consistent soldering and build quality, even over Seasonic. I expect my Seasonic X-650 to live a long and useful life; my Delta-built SG-650 I expect to leave to someone in my will.

I am going to keep my eye out for the release of those new units from EVGA made by seasonic, the thing is i am probably going to take the 550w units, because this is firstly a mATX build and secondly i wont SLI a gpu when a single stronger gpu (gtx 980) is available, also do you know when about those units will be released?

The Corsair CX is their best selling PSU and has always had steep discounts offered since in inception. That has nothing to do with customer perception and everything to do with the fact that is an inexpensive PSU to manufacture.

The cheapest G series on newegg right now is the 360W model and it goes for $65. The cheapest Capstone is a 500W model for $70. The cheapest CX is $40. These are not PSU's in the same price range nor are they comparable build quality.

Maybe we were reading a different review, because their biggest issues with the cx750m were price and temp rating. Those are both corsair issues. The units performance was rock solid all across the board. Yes, there were a few undesirable build elements, like excessive solder and such, but that has always been a thing with Channel Well. It doesn't have much of an impact on the quality of the final product. It would be nice if they cleaned that stuff up one of these days, but it isn't a big deal.

Yes, Delta is definitely OCD when it comes to unit assembly. That's not a bad thing.
True, the CX750 doesn't have the really sorry caps that the lower wattage units have, and if treated like a 600W-650W PSU it would probably do nicely. Some of those quality issues make me wonder about the risk of a DOA unit though (you could almost brain someone with one of those solder blobs, and frayed wires do not inspire confidence). Considering how some other CWT units (e.g. Enermax) have been handed their backsides in reviews lately, I'd hope never to be so tight on money I'd have to buy one. Usually, there's a Seasonic available (like an Antec Neo ECO) available for cheap somewhere, but when you checked just now, it certainly wasn't a "G." I think I bought a couple of the 360W "G" units when they were around $45, so maybe I lucked out.
You don't even have to go to the G or the capstone. The S12II is far superior to the CX as well.

I definitely agree with you that a few extra pesos is worth it for the extra quality. No doubt about that in my mind. I just don't want to blame CWT for being a business and building a cheapie unit at someone else's request. That's where most of the money is. Not everybody can be seasonic.
Because the Corsair CX series are so popular, they have no problems even selling at a price that is too high. Most Youtube build videos future a Corsair CX power supply, they are immensely popular. They can charge higher, so they're not letting that chance pass by. That is Corsair for you.

Blackbird, post a link of those Psu's when it is released, I might take a 650w to Tinker with overclocks and other stuff, because the 650w's are more or less the same price as 550w even though it's the same brand